Joe x reader ( platonic

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(Joe is from Dnb: omelette edition)

You were tired. You had just gotten off work/ school, and you were on the verge of intermediate exhaustion, so you went to a coffee/ bakery shop. A bell dinged behind you indicating your arrival. The smell of brewing coffee was wafted heavily in the air. 

A man with a coffee cup for a head approached you, you thought it was odd but you've seen weirder. 

" oh, I've never seen you around before"  the man squealed 

"Oh, right where are my manners, I'm joe and I'll be taking your order." He corrected himself

"Oh, ummm, I'll take the (f/f) please" you said whilst perusing the menu.

"Oh, ok, be back in a jiffy" he ran.

(20-30 minutes later)

You bit/ drank happily into what you ordered. Joe was servicing other customers.

You stayed to the end of his shift. You soon both became close friends. Happy and joyous but both severely tired and hurt inside. 

You ask for his phone number. 

He was overjoyed. He leaped and jumped as he gave it to you. You called him later.

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