The final Chapter

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So I'm in the prosses of writing the final chapter. There might be a sequel but I'm not sure if I wanna do one, I know alot of you want one but I don't know. I really question you guys judgment when i go back andread these chapters because they suck! I'm curently writing 3 Fifth Harmony fanfics and I'm about to start a sequel for my 5H fanfic that I've finshed and I might start a new 5H fanfic too, plus I'm writing the Emilie de Ravin fanfic, but I'm going to delete both of my Rumbelle fanfic because I have no motvation to write them. But I'm not ready to give up on Jmo fanfics, I was thinking about writing a new one here's a description:

Lauren Michelle Spencer never knew her mother. She was raised by her abusive father Jesse Spencer. Lauren lives with her father in Chicago were he flims his show "Chicago Fire", the cast dosen't really like her execpt for Monica Raymund, she's her best friend. Jesse let's the other cast members abuse Lauren to, one night they were drunk and one of them took things to far. Lauren went to Monica for help, she asked her to find her mother. what happens when she discovers her mom is Jennifer Morrison? Will Jen and the rest of the OUAT cast execpt Lauren or turn theirback when she needs them most?

Tell me if i should do this fanfic or not. One more thing I know most of you aren't fans of Fith Harmony(i dont know why) but could you please go read some of my 5H fanfic? It would mean alot! bye!

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