Chapter 20

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Sean's apartment
Colin's POV
After I left Jen's house I went to Sean's apartment. I put the kids in Sean's spare room and went to talk with Sean. "so you wanna tell me what happened with you and Jen?"
"Jen told me she was pregnant."
"And that's a bad thing because?"
"Because I don't think we're ready for a child."
"Please tell me you didn't tell her this."
"Yes I did" he slapped me
"Hey what was that for!?"
"For being stupid!"
"Well I guess I kinda deserved that. She probably hates me!"
"She can't hate you, your the farther of her children."
"That proves nothing I'm the farther of Helens child and she hates me." He slapped me again.
"I know you did not just compare Jen and Helen."
"What is wrong with me?"
"A lot of things"

*next day*

I have to go to set today, but I don't wanna take the kids with me. I found the number of a baby sitter and called. She said that she would come babysit. I then took a shower and got dressed. I got Evan dressed and then the door bell rang. I went to answer. "Hi you must be Mr.O'Donoghue!" "Actually that's Mr. O'Donoghue." Sean said pointing at me. "Hi you must be Jordan!" "Yes I am" "So just put Lucy on a movie and help her with her homework after lunch. You guys can order a pizza for lunch." I say hand her money for pizza. "Okay sounds good!" "Lucky come tell me and Sean Goodbye were leaving!" I yelled

Lucy's POV
"Lucky come tell me and Sean goodbye were leaving!" I heard dad yell
I walked into the living room and saw someone I never thought I'd see again. Jordan. What the heck is she doing here all the way from LA?

A/N So I was really pissed at people on wattpad but then sydsorbet and Klayley_Fangirl cheered me up( after I stopped her from almost having a "talk" with them I had to do the same thing with riley1_8). I kinda got over it for a few hours by listening to Fifth Harmony songs(the rest of this is gonna be a rant about Fifth Harmony you don't have to read it).

So I'm listening to their song Reflection. And I realize that Ally(my favorite) is not really in the song, she basically just sings back up for the other girls! I love the song Reflection but it makes me so mad that Ally is hardly in it! I need my Ally she's amazing!!!!!

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