Chapter 15

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What we didn't know, was that we were too late. The beacon had been set off and it was only a matter of time before we would be invaded. Geller had sent more troops to the fence to join us. Garrisons were set up both inside and outside of the fence. The towers were barricaded and access was limited. Dad did everything he could to try to get in but every attempt failed. There was only so much he could do with the information he had, but he still tried to get us in.

                Innocents started getting worried and we had to set troops to patrol. As each day progressed, the beacon grew brighter and brighter, sending a light straight up into the sky. We all had theories about what we would see when we finally did get into the building and got to Downey. But they all remained just theories since we never got in.

                When the beacon first started to show face, the citizens ran to us, begging for answers. What was going on? Why was this happening? Was there anything they could do?

                After a while, Geller had been given confirmation to alert the civilians of what was to come and to encourage them to join forces with us and help protect their city. Though Markus didn't agree, he did as he was told since the word had been given to Geller directly from General LeBlanc. Ben and I were given the task of scouting and recruiting any civilians that were able to help out. Jury and a few other officers took over training them. It didn't matter how much training they were given, they weren't ready for this war. None of us were.

                In a matter of days, everything is going to change. Just like it did all those years ago. We train and prepare but we don't know what we're facing or the extent of what is to come. The only thing we can be sure of is that death is inevitable. A lot of people are going to die, and there is no way to prevent it.

                The only thing we can do now is try to stay calm for the citizens. To stay prepared for when it finally happens. There is so much that is going to happen, so much that is going to change. The world as we know it, will never be the same again.


                Geller had just sent word, they are releasing ARIAT from his enclosure. He has offered to stand with us in the invasion. A flatbed is hauling him here as we speak. I have seen ARIAT in what I assume to be his full form, and I don't see how the flatbed will be able to haul him, but I guess we'll see when he arrives.

                From what Geller has told us, ARIAT has detected that they are just a few days out. Everyone has started to prep even more to make sure we were ready. The first thing we are aiming for before it starts, is getting into the towers. We have yet to be able to infiltrate it and get to Downey. We've sent drones, elite squads, you name it after that tower and the only Intel we gathered was how heavily guarded Downey was inside the building.

                Our fate relies on getting inside that building and getting to Downey. Without her beacon, they won't stand a chance. They draw their power from her.

                So many men have vowed loyalty to her, and yet the funny thing is they don't even know what they are guarding her from, or what is really going on. Markus and Jury tried reasoning with a few of the guards inside, tried explaining what was going to happen, but they didn't listen. It was as if they had been brainwashed to not question anything and that there was only one thing they needed to worry about- guarding Downey.

                Dad had mentioned something about a serum that was created and administered only to the guards in the building. He theorizes that the serum was probably to brainwash them and it would activate when the beacon did. They were almost like stone men. There was no getting through to them.

                It's all we can do now to try and hopefully we will succeed before our three days are up. I'm afraid. But not for my life. For the life that could be lost because of me. We need to win this, but I'm not sure that is even a possibility.




                ARIAT has arrived. He has remained dormant since the arrival. He has shrunk himself into a cube the size of a house and just sits outside the fence. As day progressed to night, our satellites began to go out one by one. We lost signal from all except two satellites, and were operating on only half our power.

                Everything has grown silent. The bugs no longer called to each other, the birds had all silenced. In the distance, booms echoed through the air like cannons. The earth rattles with each boom that sounds off. The men are growing anxious, and the citizens are beginning to get scared. We're doing our best to keep them calm, but what can you say to people who will most likely be facing death?

                I stand by ARIAT. If there is one place I know is safe, it is next to him. Each boom makes him spout steam. It's as if he's preparing himself to break out, show his true form and to stand against each of the invaders on his own.



                The booms never stop. I've lost track somewhere after 90.

                We're not ready. For this. It's going to be a massacre on the city. A genocide. And we're just the beginning.


                Posts from all over have phoned in booms around them as well. The other cities around the country have begun to prepare themselves with their armies as well. But none of them have spoken of a beacon. Even when asked.

                Without knowing it, Marsdon was the city that had declared war. Thanks to the beacon. Because of us, the world is now at danger.



                It's time.

                They have arrived.

                To those who will be lost- I'm sorry. 

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 02, 2015 ⏰

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