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a christopher sturniolo story

" if i poised yours, it'd be too late. "

irl3rd person pov

CHLOE QUICKLY shot up, looking at her phone, praying she remembered to set her alarms.

her phone read 4:55am.

for 15 minutes, chloe attempted to fall asleep, and after she looked at her phone thinking at least 30 minutes went by, and saw it was only 15 minutes, she gave up.

she got out of bed, took a shower, did her extended skin care routine, got dressed, did her hair, and finished off her routine by doing her makeup.

looking at her phone, it was only 6:00.

why the hell was time going by so slow? chloe thought to herself.

she headed downstairs, and saw her mom had left a note, as per usual, saying that her parents were going to be gone until late that night and to stay at the sturniolos.

at this point, chloe was at the sturniolos more than she was her own house. she didn't mind of course, but it just felt weird that she saw marylou and jimmy more than she did her own parents, and it wasn't even by choice.

time felt like it was going by extremely slow, so instead of going for a walk down the beach, or watch the sunset, she decided to make breakfast for her and the triplets.

everytime she made breakfast, which wasn't often, she felt like such a mom cooking breakfast for her sons.

she made matt chocolate chip pancakes, and nick and chris french toast. for her own breakfast, she just made a smoothie, and then packed her backpack for school.

finally, she heard everyones alarms going off, and she set the plates.

seconds after she put the plates on her kitchen island, the triplets came down her stairs like stampede of animals, everyone was already completely ready, with an hour before they needed to leave.

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