Chapter 3: The Truth

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“I just don’t understand. We’ve been working together for several years. I’ve seen your family history and even though Dracula was right that there’s no record of any males in those documents I’ve seen the photos. There all of different women.” Zoe paced behind her desk as you sat in the chair in front of the desk and Jack stood in the corner. 

“He’s right Zoe, all those documents are of me and my past lives lets call them.” 

“How?” Jack asked. 

“Do you remember reading Johnathan Harker's first account when he met Dracula?”

“Yes.” Zoe raised her eyebrow. 

“When Harker met Dracula he was an old man and the more Dracula fed on Jonathan the younger he got. You see the longer a vampire goes without blood the more their body ages, but if we drink a healthy amount of blood we can remain the age we were turned at. I knew in order to get close to the foundation and to the Van Helsings I would need a family history, at least a small one. Something so you wouldn't ask too many questions. So almost 60 years ago maybe a little longer I stopped drinking blood to make myself older. Then over the years I started drinking more little by little. I changed professions and changed my name so people would believe I was my "daughter". Once I met you I stopped all that, I drank my fill and returned to my true appearance because I knew you would be the Van Helsing to find Dracula.” You explained.  

“Why did you do all this? Why just me? The Johnathan Harker foundation has been around for over one hundred years. Why did you wait until now to get in touch with a Van Helsling?”

“I kept tabs on all the Van Helsings over the years, espeically after the Harker foundation was created but none of them were anywhere close to finding Dracula. Believe me I’ve met Agatha’s siblings. I’ve met all the Van Helsings. I’ve been trying to find Dracula since the day I woke up undead in the convent but I had no idea where to look. Your family was my only link to find him. If I wanted to find Dracula I had to find you. I meant what I said, you are the spitting image of Agatha Van Helsing. You’re great great Aunt and I were friends, you know.” You explained. 

“You were a nun at the convent like her?”

“Oh God no.” You chuckled. “I was dropped off on the convents' doorstep when I was only a few months old. My older sister and both were and as we got older she decided to take the training to become a nun. I however, wanted nothing to do with it and failed the test on purpose. My sister kept trying to convince me to resume training. She somehow convinced them to let me have a second chance but I didn’t want to do it. I was trapped at that ridiculous convent until the day I died. Much like your aunt Agatha. She hated it there too. She would always tell me how much she hated it there and wanted out. That she had looked for God everywhere and she didn’t even believe he existed. In the end she found God through her experience with Dracula. I found freedom.” 

“He turned you into a vampire, so what. Why have you been so loyal, spent all this time looking for him if he’s not family? Are you under some sort of spell? Are you in love with him?” Jack scoffed.  

“I haven’t known him long enough to be in love with him. He’s different from everyone else I’ve ever met. He’s difficult to understand but once you catch even a glimpse into who he really is.” You smirked. 

“Tell me what happened that night at the convent.” Zoe broke you out of your thoughts. 

“Why? I’m sure you’re planning on asking the count yourself.” 

“I want to hear both of your accounts and see how they compare. I want to see if you're both telling the truth.” She spat back at you. It was becoming more and more obvious how betrayed she felt. “Tonight I want your account and Draculas.” 

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