Chapter 6: Moving

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"So, tell me why you hate this Lucy character so much? She seems so wild and fascinating." Dracula commented as he walked you both up the front step of your home.

"She's definitely wild, that's for sure." You sighed, turning the key and opening the door.

"You were a wild one if I remember correctly. Inviting a vampire into your home, sneaking into the foundation and befriending a known vampire hater. You are about as wild as it gets. So then why are you so upset about this girl?" You both entered the house and you went straight to your room and pulled out a suitcase to start packing. Dracula of course, followed behind and stood next to the bed while you started picking out some clothes you were going to take with you.

"Ooh how about this little article right here?" He asked, picking up a pair of red lace panties. "Do you have a matching bra?" He smirked.

"Put those down." You chuckled, pulling them away from him. "I won't be needing these since I'll be staying with you."

"No, you're staying with me which is why you will be needing them. I know you find me attractive, do you truly believe we can live together for weeks on end without something happening?"

"Nothing is going to happen because you haven't won me over yet. So." You tossed the panties back into your drawer.

"Oh but I will. Tonight was the first night, give me a few more days." He sat back on the bed. "You never answered my question. Why do you dislike Lucy so much?"

"Lucy is a selfish, manipulative, brat. She's given whatever she wants from her mother, father, friends. Literally everyone around her is at her beck and call. She's rude and egotistical, a bigger narcissist than you. And for the love of everything holy she is obsessed with the way she looks. Should I go on?" You spat.

"You don't just dislike her, you hate this girl." He raised his eyebrow in interest.

"Yes Drac, I hate her and you have been texting her on Jack's phone all night. Don't think I haven't noticed." You pointed a stern finger at him.

"She seems fascinating."

"Listen, I don't care if you want to drink from her or whatever. But if you are going to see her then leave me out of it. And if I'm going to be staying with you I don't want her there when I am. I try to avoid her whenever possible. I don't even go out with Jack when she's around. She just has this ability to bring out the worst in me. I don't know how I haven't ripped her bloody head off by now because she's the one person I could kill and wouldn't feel bad about it. Then again she's willing to sleep with anything under the sun so who knows what diseases she may be carrying." You huffed and threw the last of your things in the suitcase.

"This Jack fellow. What is your relationship with him?"

"Jack's a friend of mine. I met Zoe officially through him."

"So you befriended the boy to get to Vanhelsing. Such a clever little thing." He smiled, and leaned forward resting his elbows on his knees.

"No I did not. I met Jack when he was on campus. It was his first year of university and my last. I helped him navigate the yards and find the best spots to eat and study. We became friends long before he met Lucy or Zoe. When we became friends he asked me where I was from because of my last name and I told him the same story I told everyone else. Minus all the vampire stuff. When he met Zoe somehow, I'm still not sure how that relationship was forged. He told her about me and she insisted on meeting me."

"You're close with this boy it seems." He sneered, it vanished in a second but not before you saw it making you smirk.

"You're jealous."

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 19, 2023 ⏰

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