Chapter 5: Teaching and Feeding

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During the day you and Dracula shared your queen size bed after Reinfield delivered his soil to put under it. Thankfully it was the weekend which meant no college classes for you to teach until monday. Dracula was shocked to find out you were a college professor but you explained to him that you were convincing everyone you were in your late 20's. 27 to be exact which was young for a professor but not impossible. Teaching classes was a challenge because you could only teach the late classes due to the sun but it worked out because Whitby was a cloudy rainy place so there wasn't much sun to worry about by mid afternoon. You also liked it because it was smaller classes due to the fact most students wanted morning classes so they kept their nights open.

After waking up once it was nightfall, you got yourself ready and went down to your fridge where you grabbed a blood bag out of habit. Dracula who came down the stairs right after and ook the blood bag from you and placed it back in the fridge.

"I told you we were going to work on you feeding from people and not plastic bags. We start tonight, if you don't do well then you can come have your vampire capri sun."

"How do you know what a capri sun is?" You raised your eyebrows.

"Whoever's blood they were feeding me at the foundation loved them." He rolled his eyes, closing the fridge. "Let's get going."

"Drac." You sighed.

"Ooh a nickname, those are shows of affection." He smirks. "Are you warming up to the idea of actually being my bride?" 

"No I'm not and I'm not liking the idea of moving because you don't like my house. If you don't like it then you can find a place of your own but I don't have to live with you." You scoffed.

"Yes but I do need help adjusting to this new day and age as you put it. I would appreciate the company." He gave his trademark charming smile. Why did he have to be so handsome?

"I'll tell you what. I'll play your little game, I'll move in with you. However, I won't be selling my house. I'll give you a few months to make me have real feelings for you. If I have feelings for you after a couple months then I will move in with you permanently and we can start getting more serious. If you want me to be your bride I have conditions you'll have to live with. So decide if I'm really who you want." You poked his chest firmly.

"I chose you for a reason Y/N."

"You chose me because I invited you in, I'm not stupid." You refuted.

"I'm a vampire Y/N, I kill people out of boredom and sometimes for fun. Do you truly believe I wouldn't break a deal? I wouldn't have turned you if I didn't think you would be a good fit. I wouldn't have turned you if there wasn't an attraction I felt towards you. A mutual understanding. I'll agree to your little challenge, I will spend the next months trying to win your affection and if I do you will be my bride and bear my children?" He raised his eyebrow in understanding.

"If you succeed then we will continue to go further. I'm not agreeing to having children with you just yet, or even trying because we don't even know if we can have children. I'm not expecting you to marry me, I'm not expecting you to fall in love with me, but if you treat me right and agree to make me the only serious partner in your life then yes I will do as you ask. I'm not just going to be the person you spend time with when you want to have another child." You agreed.

"Let's not rule anything out. Who knows, perhaps we will fall for each other. Marriage is not out of the question when it comes to me Y/N, just because I'm a vampire doesn't mean I do not crave the mortal things life has to offer. I enjoy good company and from what I've seen you are good company. I would very much enjoy the world knowing someone is mine and mine alone."

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