Part 1

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Do you really? Love me eddie or was I just a big joke to you and fucking school because after this I'm leaving!..and not coming back ever do you hear me eddie.

I thought that you really loved me but I was a fool to fall for something like this...I should've just listened to my mom. She was right along.

Oh wow now you need my help huh...guess what eddie you broke me you destroy me...just leave...

I really thought you were the one but no you just like them just like them.

I love you so much that you abandoned me just like that.

Eddie you don't love don't you.

When will you realize that I'm not a toy!!

You fuck it up everything that I gave you not only show you just for you to betray me!

Oh.shut up.

Where were you Eddie when I screamed and begged for help.

I really trusted you. I really did...but you left me.

How much more will it be?

Do you know how much you hurted me?

Was I a joke to you?

"I've rejected affection for years. Now I have it and damn it. It's kind of weird. He tells me I'm pretty and don't know how to respond. I tell him that he's pretty too. Can I say that? Don't have a clue."

"Sometimes I wish that I could freeze the picture and save it from the funny tricks of time slippin through my fingers all the time."

"Dumb conversations we lose track of time have I told you lately I'm grateful your mine."

"I wanna be alone, alone with you does that make sense? I wanna steal your soul and hide you in my treasure chest."

I don't cry easily,I never once I start crying that's when you know I'm hurting. (Y/N|T/N).

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