"Must stop the bad guys"

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A/N: me tired. Hope this chapter is good but I will warn it might be short. Enjoy readers!

Daring Do didn't stop for nothing. This is probably a big deal and she needs to stop them. She luckily found Ahuizotl and Caballeron at the center with a tube full of small pieces of Rainbow Dash's mane.
"With this mane, rings, and the life crystal," Ahuizotl said holding a small blue crystal in his hand. "I shall destroy all of Equestria! And you'll be close to getting your part of your reward."
Seem to make sense with the rings, the life crystal and Rainbow's mane.
"It will never work Ahuizotl!" Daring Do shouted getting their attention.
Ahuizotl smiled. "Oh Daring Do. Such an honor for you to be here. Believe you're ready for the final day of all of Equestria?"
"Nope. Even if you think you can, it will never work. You got the wrong mare."
"Oh did we?" Caballeron grinned at the mare. "At least I can find her in a flash. Where were you?"
"Hey, I hide her, and you will never find her."
"Please. There is only one mare who has the rainbow' colors and that is Amazia Kate. Remember?"
"I remember her as much as you. You were never around, so what makes you think it's her?"
"Because, she is just like you my dear. Has your beautiful looks, and is beautiful on the inside like you."
Daring blushed of how he sounded a little romantic but knew it was a trick. She won't fall for what he's done. "Your sweet, but I will never fall for your lovely quotes ever again."
"You don't need too. With these rings, the life crystal, and her mane, we'll be able to destroy all Equestria and be the new rulers."
This was not good. Especially if the life crystal is in the wrong hands. The life crystal is from the Crystal kingdom. It is very powerful with it's powers and could show the truth of everything. If it's placed in the wrong hands,it will lose is life and die making the world crash.
The ponies were finally able to catch up and saw Ahuizotl and Caballeron with the items in their hoofs and hands.
"And we know we got the right made we know." Ahuizotl said. "And you both made a fantastic mare with the rainbow flower."
"Rainbow flower?" Twilight never here of such a thing.
"If she only she was born with my looks." Caballeron said. "In the meantime, hench ponies!"
Soon the hench ponies jumped onto Daring Do and hold her down so she couldn't stop them. But they forgot one thing.
"Come on. We gotta help Daring Do." Rainbow Dash said.
Ahuizotl thought this would be his last laugh of this day. But he stopped wen he heard the voice of Applejack say "Drop the crystal Ahuizotl! Ha! I got his name right."
"Place the crystal and mane. Quickly!" He told Caballeron.
Pinkie Pie used a lot of her energy to make a super bump, and kick Caballeron with her hind legs and threw the tube of Rainbow's mane to Fluttershy.
"Get it!" Caballeron ordered his hench ponies.
They let go of the gold Pegasus and followed orders. Daring Do was pleased and decided to get the life crystal.
Fluttershy flew half through the room trying to get away from the hench ponies. They would not stop chasing her.
"Fluttershy!" Applejack yelled jumping up to get her attention.
Fluttershy then threw the tube towards Applejack and fell to the ground hiding.
Applejack ran faster than any of the hench ponies.
While they protected the the of Rainbow's mane, Daring Do was getting towards Caballeron to reach for the life crystal. When he tried getting it away from her, he acted as of they were child and hold it away so she couldn't reach it.
"If you dare drop that," she said. "You will destroy all of Equestria instead! You know that right?"
"Of course I do." He said. "That's why I'm trying to get it away from you."
"Give it back now!" Rainbow said but it didn't quite get any pony's attention. She began to fly towards them to retrieve the lie crystal.
Daring Do tried again reaching for the life crystal. But she still failed. Caballeron then hold her hoof tight with his and leaned her forward instead touching her muzzle with his. "You still the beautiful mare who gave birth to my foal. And I thank you for that." He said.
And to a shocking moment, Daring Do tried to say something, but then Caballeron smashed his lips against her's leaving her wide eyed.
Rainbow stopped flying and watched him kiss Daring Do. "What the heck?!" Rainbow couldn't believe it. "Ewww!"
Daring noticed her say ew and got more distracted with a blushing face. By then she looked towards Dash but got kicked in the face by Caballeron. Before she knew it, she blacked out, and more flashbacks came.


Daring Do felt there was trouble being made without her being in on it. It may have been late at night, but she had to go.
She grabbed her hat from the counter and walked slowly down the halls. She took a peek inside of her daughter's bedroom and saw she still remain asleep. She was glad too. She wouldn't want anything to happen to her little flower.
She continued to walk slowly down to the stairs and out of her house locking it. She hoped no pony will sneak in with her baby in the house.
She ran through the trees quietly and continued her search of danger. Suddenly, a tree branch made a cracking sound. Some pony was following her.
She went back and tip toed to make sure whoever was following her didn't hear her too. She then felt in need of an attack and pushed her hat against the pony's head, moving in circles until she remain on top. But when she got a glance at the pony, she was surprised to see a filly to wear her hat.
"Hi mom."
"Oh. It's just you." She got her hat back an turned around with no problem. But that's when she realized it.
She turned back around and said "What in Celestia's name are you doing here?"
"I wanna help."
"Amazia, no. Go back to the house and say there till I come home."
"No. I want to help you."
Daring was getting a little annoyed ear daughter was starting to defend herself she wasn't sure that was a good thing or a bad thing at the moment. "Look, I don't have time to argue with you-"
"Neither do I. Let's go!" Without giving her mother a chance to respond, she ran towards the trees.
That made Daring a little nervous and believed she had no choice but to let her stay.
She just hoped her baby will be safe on this next adventure with her mom.

(Back to the present...)

Her flashback was short which kinda disappointed her. But her vision became real and she began to wake up to see a rainbow mare staring down at her saying "Daring Do!"
She finally looked awaken which made Rainbow feel relief. "Oh good. You're okay." But then Rainbow became serious. "Now what the heck was that with Caballeron?"
"Wha-What are you talking about?" She asked getting her head together but still remain laying on the floor.
"He just kissed you! What the heck?"
Daring Do began to remember their kiss and blush of embarrassment. Hopefully no pony else saw it. "W-W-Well... there's a good explanation for that Rainbow Dash-"
But then they both heard the whimper of Rarity falling on her face and losing the tube of Rainbow's mane. Ahuizotl had it in his hand tail and laughed in victory. "I finally have it! Now I shall rule all of Equestria!"
Now what will they do?
Ahuizotl went to were the rings were and got the life crystal from Caballeron. He then placed the life crystal hanging from the top part of a glass that remain on the rings and put the tube of mane inside it laying there. Soon the sun came over the glass and soon their victory will be legendary.
"What is Ahuizotl trying to do?" Twilight said.
Daring Do finally got a chance to stand on her four legs and explain. "It seems he trying to make today the last day of Equestria. With a magical Pegasus with rainbow hair like Rainbow Dash's, that pony has a power no pony else could tame. With her mane, including the rings and life crystal together under the sun, there will be a shining rainbow from the crystal's reflection and destroy the sun and moon. Then they will have all the power to rule Equestria. Then there will be no days."
"Oh no." Applejack said.
"I know. That crystal is so fabulous is cousin break."
The ponies look at Rarity giving her a face.
"What? It's pretty and shining."
And it seem to be working. The sun was half over the objects and with the tube of Rainbow's mane, out came pretty lights and it hit the crystal, slowly making a red and orange to make the pattern. But suddenly, it stop and there was no more colors.
Caballeron and Ahuizotl were in shock.
"Caballeron?" Ahuizotl said calmly. "Why did it... Oh what's the word? Stop?"

A/N: not much but I got to study for final exams. Have a good day folks.

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