"The reasons and understanding them"

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A/N: still believe Daring Do and Rainbow Dash are awesome. I just hope they'll have more of it soon in season 5. Enjoy readers for Rainbow's dream with Luna continues.

Luckily the ponies were about to make it to Daring Do's home. The last time they were there, it was a mess, besides when they called for her help. Rainbow Dash remain unconscious and still lost her colors. Twilight needed to relax for her horn feels like it is about to explode.
The ponies did everything they can to relax Twilight cause of what pain she's dealing with. Daring Do on the other hoof watch Rainbow remain sleeping. She still couldn't believe it. After how she treated her when she first met Rainbow Dash, she felt she was annoying. She should have know this was the only Pegasus to be just like Amazia Kate.
She had tears reach her eyes and she tried to wipe them away. Suddenly, Pinkie came up next to her and said "Is she still asleep?"
"I'm afraid so." She said.
"I hope they're both gonna be okay." Rarity said. "But I simply don't understand why Rainbow Dash had lost all her colors and remain like that."
Daring Do sighed and said "Because she was born from the color rose and had powers within her that could have destroy Equestria."
The ponies looked at her surprised. How did she know that?
"How do you-"
"Because there's only one mare who could have live through a miracle from it's powers." She interrupted Applejack. "This is what she would have been born like but it's powers change her. As within twenty fours hours, if she does not wake up, she's gone."
"Oh dear. Is there anything we can do?" Fluttershy asked.
"Theres nothing you can do. Not even me."
"But what about Twilight?" Pinkie ask. "Is she okay?"
"She's fine. She gain the powers from he life crystal but she's gonna-" but that's when Daring Do realized something.
"Oh please tell me Twilight doesn't die." Rarity said.
Soon Daring Do had a smiled spread across her face and she jumped in the air flying and said "That's it!" Then she flew off through the ceiling.
"What is with her and flying unexpectedly?" Pinkie said.
"Not sure." Applejack said. "But let's hope it's a way to save Rainbow and Twilight."
All the ponies prayed they'll be alright.

(Rainbow's head...)

"Was I gonna be okay?" Rainbow asked as she watched her filly self be kidnap.
Daring Do watched Ahuizotl look as f he won. But not yet. She was filled with angry and rage. "Put her down! Now!"
He laughed evilly. "I do not think so Daring D-!"
But he was then interrupted by a punch in the face from Daring Do. He then lost control and dropped the filly away from his tail. She flew falling to the land. "Momma!"
Daring Do saw her falling. So did Caballeron. They both ran, well actually Daring Do flew and Caballeron ran, but headed straight to cry and watch her.
She fell and smashed her face against the rock that she was falling to and passed out with a bleeding muzzle. Poor filly.
They both stared in shock but still ran to her. Caballeron hold her up to him and felt tears reaching his eyes. "Amazia! Speak to me sweetie!"
No respond.
Daring Do could cry. Her own daughter, her foal, got injured all because she wanted to help. So much has happen for the past few years she was born and Daring Do started to believe she wasn't a good mother now for her.
Ahuizotl growled coming back on his hands. He saw the pegasi and earth pony family together. He laughed "So pathetic. If a filly was safe at home, you know perfectly well this never would have happen."
Daring Do was about to attack him herself, until Caballeron stood up and kick Ahuizotl with his hind legs. He was angry and furious.
DaringDo stared in shock as he fought the giant cat till death got to it. Ahuizotl tried to fight back but Caballeron's anger was just too strong for him to handled. By then Ahuizotl gave up. He was passed out and couldn't move. But Rainbow was still passed out herself.
"Amazia, please talk to me." Daring Do said trying again. She was starting to believe she was dead.
But luckily Rainbow groaned but was still passed out. That was a relief sine she was still passed out.
Caballeron walked to them and reach a hoof to Daring Do. "Are you alright?" He asked.
Daring still looked at him surprised. She never saw him this angry. She didn't think he cared about their baby. Seems he did.
She took his hoof and stood back up on her four legs. "I am. Thank you." She said.
She looked back at her daughter hoping she wake up. But it was obvious she will never wake up after what just happen. She looked back and tried to speak but then Caballeron's kiss stopped her as she fell into it.
"Ewww!!" Rainbow said looking away.
Princess Luna giggled as Rainbow remain acting like a child, even though she's not a filly anymore.
Daring Do pulled away and said "But I thought you didn't care about us anymore."
"Daring Do," he said heartily. "I will always care about you both. I still love you. I just can't be around anymore, no matter how much I want to. She needs your protection in love. She doesn't even know who I am."
"But she'll know. You can come back with us."
"No. I mustn't. If I'm there it won't be the same and Amazia won't be safe anymore. I will always love her and whenever she's in trouble, I will come to save her."
"He didn't seem like that when I almost drown and all." Rainbow said looking at the princess.
"But perhaps, you didn't get that story." She said.
Rainbow just looked confused and continued to watch them talk.
Daring Do had actual tears in her eyes. Caballeron wipe them away and hug her as she hugged him. "I'm sure am gonna miss you."
"And I'll miss you Daring Do." He said. He then took once last look at his daughter and felt the tears reach his eyes.
Soon Luna and Rainbow Dash saw Daring Do in the house looking sad. Seems as Rainbow was a filly she was still sleeping in her bed.
"This is all my fault." She said. "It's my fault I didn't watch her. I'm not a good mother. I am the worst." That's when she made her decision for her daughter's protection. "I'll have no choice but to let her live on without me being in her life. She'll be safer that way. My poor baby."
Rainbow felt water reach her eyes. She understood Daring's point for letting her live with a different family. But she would have love to have known about it before.
"But if Caballeron cared about me, why did he tried to drown me and all?" She said looking up to princess Luna.
"Because she knew Daring do would saw you in time. Plus he was trying to protect you."
"So protecting me is by kidnaping me?"
"I'm afraid so." She then stomped her hoof letting her and Rainbow Dash go through time again and shows Caballeron and Ahuizotl talking in the forest.
"How on earth are you gonna do that?" Caballeron said.
"Simple. I remember you're little filly with the rainbow mane. Well I heard that she was saved from the legendary color rose. Am I correct?"
Caballeron looked suspicious that the giant cat knew. "Yes."
"Well, when a color rose is given away, a certain pony had the most amazing abilities see and could be the most powerful one of all of Equestria. Probably powerfuller than Celestia."
"What are you saying?"
"When the legendary life crystal senses the powers of a color rose, it raises it up to the sun and makes the sun how dangerous powers and strikes to the closest to it."
Caballeron then looked shock and said "Use my daughter as a power source for your plans?!"
"Actually just her mane and some parts of her coat some it's all from that rose. No harm will be made by her."
"It won't certainly happen. You won't find her an smelt her would I. And I would never put my sighted in such danger."
"Well actually, that's where you're wrong Caballeron. I remember your daughter help Daring Do when I had all the rings. Luckily I ask one of my ponies to follow her and her friends and saw she is in a small town call Ponyville. Now I could just go over there myself and shave her head..."
Caballeron gasped in fright. "No!"
"Or... you can do it piece by piece by each color, and put it in a safe spot. For your daughter's safety."
Caballeron knew this was risky and idiotic. But he couldn't risk Ahuizotl taking his daughter and shave her head without doing a small piece.
He sighed feeling he had no choice. "Alright. But I'm not kidnapping her. You can do that yourself. Taking something from my daughter is already bad enough by how amazing I believe she's already grown up to."
Rainbow felt tears reach her eyes. But she wipe them away as the dream they were in was just all black. She looked up at Luna and said "So that's why he took me? That's why I grew up in the orphanage?"
"I'm afraid so." She answered.
Rainbow Dash then saw that is made sense. Every single thing.
"Daring Do wanted to continued spreading your name to remember. Does he name A. K. Yearling and Amazia Kate ring a bell?"
Rainbow thought of it. She was concern why Daring Do's author name was A.K. Yearling. But Amazia Kate was her true name and she passed it on for her author's name.
"I am such an idiot." She said.
"No you're not. You were young. If I was hat young. I wouldn't have remember."
She smiled, glad that Luna was there to help remember her past. Cause now everything made perfect sense.
"So when do I wake up?"
"Very soon."

A/N: OMG I hope you guys like it cause my finger hurt. I'll be doing the next chapter very soon. See ya!

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