"Half family reunion"

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A/N: hey I'm soooooo sorry I haven't update on this. I haven't really gotten to watch much of Daring Do. Glad you guys waited cause thanks to gg_disney_geek , she gave me a pleasant idea. Hope you guys will like this family and friendship moment.

The next day came and it was tough for everypony since their battle and the cause of almost death for Rainbow Dash. The sun was rising and everypony was asleep. The only one up was Daring Do. She was looking in the halls seeing everypony is remaining asleep. She finally made it to where Rainbow's old room was and found her daughter sleeping in her bed. She was lucky to sleep in that since it was a little small.
She flew towards her and cover daughter up making her not so cold or so. Then she kissed her cheek whispering "I'm gonna miss you my daughter." Then she flew off heading out of the house looking around the forte she lived in.
She knew Rainbow Dash wasn't going to stay with her for the rest of her life. She has her own life as well. But she did miss her baby so much. And now Daring felt sad that her mate, Caballeron was gone, probably forever. Seeing him being crumble in the fortress must have killed him, right?
"You may have been my enemy," she said to herself. "You may have done stupid things that made me say such awful things, but you intend to die without trying to say hi, to your baby girl, or me. But now you're gone forever."
She may have seen Caballeron as an enemy, but she still saw him as the love of her life. He did everything for her before Rainbow was ever born. But she doesn't blame her. She remember memories they had.
She remember when she met Caballeron and he wanted to work with her but she refused. But that was because she didn't want him to get hurt by Ahuizotl. That's when they got into a big fight.
She also remember how he gave her a red rose and that's how he asked her out. They were walking through a forest and his eye was caught by a red rose. He gave it to her, flirting. She believed her was cute and went with him.
She'll always remember those memories she had before he left. But she knew one thing before he died. He still loves her and his daughter.
She finally stopped flying, feeling she shouldn't anymore. She felt too depress for the first time. She could feel her eyes water up with her feelings.
"But I still love you. I just want you back. Sure Rainbow Dash may have never know she was really Amazia Kate, but she still rather have you here. So do I. I do love you." By then, she bursted into tears, sobbing onto the ground. She had to let it out. She didn't even care if somepony laughed at her at the moment.
She didn't know how long she was crying into her hoofs. She had to let it out so nopony could see her. When she moved her eyes away from her hoofs, she was a red wet dripping rose right in front of her. She looked surprised when she saw this rose.
The rose was certainly beautiful to her. She then started to see somepony was in front on the other side of the rose. She looked up even more and was shocked to see a wet stallion in front of her.
"I know it's wet, but it was worth being alive for you and Amazia." Caballeron said panting a little.
Daring's eyes lifted up and she flew to him giving him a big hug. She had tears in her eyes being so happy he's alive. Buys he noticed how wet he really was. "Wait. How did you come alive and why are you wet?"
"Well I did get hurt from the fortress collapsing but I was able to fall into a river and tried swimming. I gotta say my swimming classes came in handy. Then I finally reach shore and found a wet rose and remember you. I hope everything is alright with you and Amazia." He explained. He then hit pain and barley moved. "And I did get a bit injured."
She then saw his point by how he was bleeding on his knew hind leg. That looked pretty bad and infected. "Oh no. Well come on. Let's get the first aid kit." She tried getting him up flying.
He chuckled. "Still you're over protective self? I miss that."
She led him to the home she lived in but stayed house on the side of the house. She wrapped his hind leg with bandages cleaning him up a but. Before she did that, she put special medicine on him before wrapping it around the leg.
"You have got to be more careful." She said.
"Not my fault. It collapsed remember?" He smiled.
"Doesn't matter. You could have died from it falling on you. I would have never seen you again." She was finally done.
"Daring Do, it's fine." He then stood up on his four legs looking back at her.
"No it's not fine. Rainbow never thought she had to ever know that you really cared, you left me an-"
But she was interrupted by the lips of Caballeron smashing against her's. She was literally blushing red but she by into the kiss so happily. Maybe she shouldn't worry now that she knows he's alright.
They pulled away and she only looked a little embarrassed. He chuckled "Bet you miss those kisses huh?" He winked at her.
"Maybe." She said.
"I bet you did." He then kissed her cheek making her feel better.
But then she pushed him with a serious face. "But I'm still pretty tick you did something stupid like that."
He smiled. "I know. That's why I love you."
She hugged him by that and felt so happy to feel his heart beat.
"So, is Amazia still sleeping?"
"I'm afraid so. Can't blame her. She had a hard day yesterday. I'm just glad you're both okay."
"This family always stays together, even if we're far apart."
It was true. Their family still sticked together even though they barley see each other.
"I miss you, and I want you to come back home." She said.
"I love to Daring Do, but you do know your books are still needed to be shown. And if I come home as your husband again, everything will be ruined." He said.
"But I miss you. And I won't have to add our relationship in. I'll write as enemies."
"Daring, writing is your reality. You know it's gonna be hard if I come in and love you still. You must continued without me being your husband you've known."
Daring wanted to cry again but he did make a point. If he came home, life wouldn't feel the same. Maybe it was best that Caballeron to remain an enemy instead of the lover he is. It's too bad.
He then wrapped his arms around Daring Do and hugged her rubbing her back. "It is alright Daring. Our love will always be strong even within being far away. I will always love you and Amazia."
She wipe her tears. "I know. I just wish I didn't write you as a villain."
"Hey I made the decision to be evil. Not sure why but I know it's a mistake I can't take back anymore."
She looked up into his light green eyes and smiled of how they are. Then she hugged him again. "I really love you."
"I love you too." He said lifting her chin. Then he leaned in to kiss her again.
They both blushed as they saw their rainbow daughter smiling at. "I think I'm shipping Daringballeron! I think that's y'all's couple name."
They both laughed at their daughter's silliness. But Caballeron looked a little nervous by how she was standing there. He knew she was gonna tell and probably hit him.
Rainbow walked closer to the two of them but Caballeron spoke first.
"Listen Amazia-"
"Rainbow Dash." Daring Do corrected him.
"Rainbow Dash, listen dear. I understand there's loads of explaining to do and I understand you probably are mad at me for leaving and making you lose your memory of all of us. And thanks to it, I lost my wife, and my baby girl."
Rainbow Dash was surprised listening to this. But mostly that he called her baby girl. That is the sweetest thing a father could say to their little girls.
"I don't blame you for hating me, wanting to yell. I actually des-"
But then he saw his daughter was hugging him. This was so knew. He's never felt his daughter give hugs like that.
Daring Do only smiled of how sweet they were being.
"I forgive you, dad." She whispered.
He then had water in his eyes and hugged his daughter back. How he missed her.
Daring Do then got into the family group hug and they were reunited but only for a short amount of town till tomorrow.
"Oh my gosh! Oh my gosh! Oh my gosh!" Pinkie was squealing very quietly.
Seems inside the house the ponies were awake and they saw the family hug each other.
"So wait," Applejack whispered to her friends. "If Rainbow's mom is Daring Do and Caba-what's-his-name is her father, doesn't that mean she's half earth and pegasi?"
"Seems like it." Twilight whispered.
"Oh that is amazing." Fluttershy whispered.
"But really weird if you ask me." Rarity said.
"Are you kidding Rare?" Twilight said. "Half ponies are very special. They can unique abilities."
"Yeah. Just like my cousin twice remove. Not Pinkie though." Applejack said. "I have some cousins who are also unicorn."
"Oh fabo." Rarity said.
"I think we should be happy for Rainbow Dash." Fluttershy said. "She is a halfie of earth and pegasi and has a really cool mother and father."
The ponies agreed as their friend was hugged by her biological parents. This was the best day ever.
To be continued...

A/N: hey guys. The next one will e the last I hope this made y'all's day and I'll see you in the next one. Stay Dazzling!

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