Still At The Hospital ch. 3

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~Harry's POV~

"Mate?" The boys said snapping me out of my thoughts.

"Guys." I said pulling them in a big bro hug.

"Is she ok?" Zayn and Liam said both really concerned.

" I dont know she is still in the E.R."I said really down.

"Family or friends for Britney Malik?"

"Im her brother." Zayn said.

"And we are her friends" I said pointing to me and the guys.

"Well I have some news." The nurse said.

We all looked at her like go on.

"Well in a minute you gentleman can go see her but she is in a comma right now and she has a cast up past her knee. And one more thing. She was hit pretty hard and when or if she does wake she might not remember anything or any of you." She said try not to make it sound to harsh.

"Thank you." Liam said while Zayn was already in tears.

"Ma'am wait." I said on the verge of tears.

"Yes?" According to her name tag her name was Sherrill.

"When can we see her?"

"Now, shes in room 215."

"Thank you Sherrill?"

"No problem just tell the front desk that you need Sherrill if you need anything."

"Thanks." I ended the conversation with that and started talking to the lads.

"Come on lads lets go!" I said practically run with Zayn.

~Zayn's POV~

Once we got to room 215 I walked in and it was the most terrifying thing I could have seen of my sister she just laid there like she was lifeless.

She had a blue cast from her toes to mid thigh. I went over to her bed and kissed her on the head.

"I love you dorko." I said chuckling a bit at my nickname for her but mine is dorker.

I started to bust into tears just standing there looking at her. When I finally regain myself I just decided to sit there and think thankfully Liam was sitting by me.

"Mate, why does this have to happen to me like other then you guys me and her are like the closest people we aren't like other siblings who just fight all the time?" I said tearing up again.

"Hey listen everything is going to be alright. Its going to be just like it was before like non of this ever happened. "

"Thanks for the rerasure."

"Guys can we leave and go across the street to that little shop over there and get her something because I cant stand to see her in so much pain?" Harry said.

"Ya I think thats a good idea." Louis said.

"Ok lets go."

Once we got downstairs and down to the main entrance of course it was full of paparazzi. Crap.

We walked out the door and I stoped and talked to some of the paparazzi I dont really do that but this is my sister and she is really famous to so ya im going to tell them.

"Zayn why are you at a hospital? " one reporter asked

"Britney Malik my sister was in a car accident. "

"Wait the Britney Malik? Softball champion, singer, basketball champion? "

"Yes that is her! Ok thats all the question im going to answer." After that I walked off and signed a few autographs.

I went across the street with the guys. We all ended up getting her some thing. Harry got her a necklace and different color sharpies to write on her cast with. Zayn got her a charm bracelet and a 500 dollar or pound giftcard for sports. Louis got her a new cell phone case and a card that plays music and a get well soon balloon. Niall got her a basket of fruits that looked like flowers and a few headbands. Liam got her a toy story ballon and a snapback.

After that we checked out and we went back to the hospital. After the paparazzi we all got in safety.

We went up to her hospital room and she still layed there lifeless. The tears start streaming down my face. I mean shes my sister-my best friend how could I not cry.

Liam, Louis, Niall and I left the room and I dont know why but Harry stayed in there. It was getting getting late. But we are staying over night or at least I am.



sorry for the short chapter and I will check for spelling mistakes before the next chapter.

bye sweeties.

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