My Brothers Best Friend Chapter 1

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My name is Britney Malik. My brother is Zayn Malik from One Direction and today I get to meet the guys. I already know Niall so knowing him we are probably going to Nandos.

"Britney, Get down here!" Zayn said hastily

"What?!?"I said coming down the stairs at his and Nialls place

"Its time to go!"

"Ok lets go."I said sliping my toms on.

I was wearing skinny jeans, and a light blue tank-top with a zebra tank under It and a bracelet with a cross on it.

We went and got into his car but I drove because I dont trust my brother when he drives other then that I trust Him 100%. We ended up at Nandos. I walked in with mh brother and I ended up automatically giving Niall a hug. Niall and I are so close like brother and sister. Then Zayn introduced me to the guys.

"Guys this is Britney my sister. Britney this is Harry, Liam, Louis, and you already know Niall so ya."

"Hey!" I said confidently.

"Welcome, beautiful!" Harry said giving me a hug.

"Thanks" I said kinda weirded out.

We all ordered and we went and sat down and everyone sat in a certain order I guess thats the way the always sit anyway there was only one spot next to Harry and Louis so this is going to be a interesting lunch. They all just stared at me and finally one of them said something.

"So what do you do?" Liam said.

"What do you mean by that?" I said sarcastically and then answered the question.

"Nothing I just got out of high school looking for a job."

"Oh cool I'll keep my eyes out for a job that I think you would be good for." He said trying to help.

"Thanks that should help." I said very pleased that he was trying to help.

Once the food got here Niall asked me a question.

"Why didnt you get something to eat?" He said trying to use his manners but still stuffing his face full "Oh, im on a diet."

They all just stared at me.

"Girl, you are already to skinny." Louis said.

"Thanks. " I said leaning over to give him a hug.

"Thanks for the hug but please get something to eat." He said worried about me and by this time everyone was staring at me.

"Louis I cant, just not here. Zy can I have your keys?"

"No. Why?"

"Because I have to go to the gym in a hour and I still have to get something to eat." "No."

"I'll take you." Harry said

"Thank you!" I said leaning over giving him a hug.

I got up and gave Louis a hug too and said..

"Thank you for being concerned about me, but im fine."

"Anytime, love."

We walked out to Harry's car. While we left I could hear Louis getting on to Zayn about me but I dont care.

We got into his car and he started a conversation.

"Why do you workout if your already as skinny as a twig?" He asked still focussing on driving.

"Well its because im a really athletic person and if I get into college it will be from a scholarship and I dont want to ruin my chances of that."

"Oh. Well I see that now."

My Brothers Best Friend Chapter 1Where stories live. Discover now