A Sunflower Heart v. Marine Eyes ૢ་༘࿐

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Important thing to clear up here rq

Bold Underline = a technique being used

Italics = A character's thoughts


"Hinokami Kagura: Clear Blue Sky." Tanjiro's eyes widened in shock as he watched his father, gripping onto Tanjiro's hatchet, of which he'd managed to grab so quickly that it went unnoticed, twisted his body and swung the weapon down onto the demon slayer's neck in a circular motion. However, the stranger was able to react just in enough time, blocking the hatchet with his blade. Finding a swift opportunity, Nezuko reeled out of the man's grasp, kicking him away, as her father landed onto the snowy ground next to her. The stranger skidded to a stop, his oceanic eyes poised in a blank stare at father and daughter, when Nezuko let out a series of snarls, racing ahead with her arms out as she leaped off of the ground to attack him. However, the swordsman charged ahead, knocking into Nezuko and forcing her upright in the air. 

"Water Breathing, First Form: Water Surface Slash." The swordsman muttered, crossing his arms and swinging his blade in a horizontal motion, aimed to slice through the take off the demon's head. Unfortunately for him, that slash would never land, as within the blink of an eye, the demon was suddenly no longer in front of him.

"Tanjiro.." An older, more mature voice sounded in the man's ears. The slayer's eyes widened in shock as he turned to look back at the boy, seeing the two familiar figures who'd attacked him.

How did he-..?! The swordsman thought to himself.

How in the world had that man moved with such swiftness?! The swordsman watched as the older man gently dropped his demonic daughter onto the snow next to his son. "Watch over Nezuko, Tanjiro. Keep her safe.." He ordered, turning back to face the attacker, a lifeless expression on his face.

"R-Right!" Tanjiro firmly nodded, gently grabbing his sister's body and holding her back with him. A hallowing silence remained between Tanjuro and the slayer, before the older man slowly began to speak up.

"You there... you're a member of the Demon Slayer corps, are you not?" Tanjuro asked.

"Mh.." The man simply hummed in return, holding his blade in a readied stance. Tanjuro let a sigh escape his lips.

"I understand your position.. However, I cannot allow anyone to hurt what remains of my family. I will only warn you once to avoid unneeded violence. Stand down, lower your weapon, and leave my children.." Tanjuro said, holding the hatchet in front of him, readied in an offensive stance. "Or I shall cut you down where you stand, without mercy.." The slayer hadn't said a word, and instead, after a short period of silence, dashed ahead towards Nezuko and Tanjiro.

"Water Breathing, First Form: Water Surface Slash." The slayer said, swinging his blade in a horizontal slash. However, instead of meeting the skin of the demon's neck, once again would his blade meet the metal edge of Tanjuro's hatchet. The slayer's eyes widened.

He can.. keep up with me?!

"Hinokami Kagura: Beneficient Radiance." Tanjuro whispered, before suddenly lowering his body and spiraling upward into the air, performing a series of swirling slashes with the hatchet. The swordsman was lifted high into the air along with Tanjuro, in the attempt to block the swings with his blade, before gravity began to bring the two back down.

Who the hell is this guy?! The swordsman wondered.

"Water Breathing, Eighth Form: Waterfall Basin." He said, using his position to swing his blade smoothly in a downward motion onto Tanjuro, thankfully helped as they fell through the air.

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