Visage of a Faded Ember ૢ་༘࿐

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"Water Breathing, Fourth Form: Striking Tide!" Urukodaki announced, lunging forward with his bokken, his movement resembling that of a flowing stream of water, swinging the wooden sword to deal a collection of consecutive slashes at his opponent's side.

"Hinokami Kagura: Raging Sun.." Tanjuro murmured, swinging the bokken in his grip to his sides in widened arcs, which protected him from Urukodaki's assault. "Hinokami Kagura: Beneficient Radiance." Tanjuro calmly retaliated by twisting himself upward into the air, delivering a spiraling swing in an upward motion to Urukodaki's chest. The elderly man swiftly blocked, a light grunt being forced out of him from beneath his mask, finding himself pushed further back into the air. However, taking advantage of his airborne trajectory, he flipped over in the air, his feet landing onto the side of one of the trees, before launching himself off of it, speeding back through the air towards Tanjuro.

"Water Breathing, Seventh Form: Drop Ripple Thrust!" Urukodaki yelled, thrusting his bokken far in front of him, aimed at Tanjuro's head.

"Hinokami Kagura: Fire Wheel." The middle-aged man quickly retaliated, rushing forward towards Urukodaki and leaping up into the air, flipping over and swinging his wooden sword downward, clashing it with Urukodaki's and forcing the elderly man back down to the ground. The force exuded by the clashing of their bokken pushing Tanjuro up into the air, granting him an opportunity. "Hinokami Kagura: Clear Blue Sky!" The man yelled, rearing back the wooden sword as gravity dragged him back down towards Urukodaki. He twisted his body into a circular motion, swinging at the former Water Hashira in the form of a 360 degree slash. Acting as quickly as he could, Urukodaki narrowly avoided the incoming attack, stepping back as Tanjuro would straighten himself out and land in front of him. But just before he did so, Urukodaki lunged forward at Tanjuro's back, swinging his bokken in a horizontal slash.

"Water Breathing, First Form: Water Surface Slash!" Urukodaki exclaimed. Tanjuro, however, was not quite finished yet. In a sudden burst of force, Tanjuro launched himself off from the ground again, backflipping over Urukodaki's head while in the air.

"Hinokami Kagura: Setting Sun Transformation!" Tanjuro swung his wooden blade forward towards Urukodaki's neck, gaining his chance to finally make contact. However.. Urukodaki managed to take note of something within his demeanor, something that prevented him from landing his hit. Tanjuro had seemed reluctant to follow through, likely to follow through with his swing. He was a gentle and kind natured man after all, just like his son. If it was a demon it would've been a different story, but he was up against Urukodaki. And if there was anything Tanjuro disliked, it was causing harm to others,especially when it wasn't required. This battle was different than it was against Tomioka Giyuu. There, he was trying to protect his children. Here, he didn't seek in any way to harm Urukodaki.

"Do not HESITATE!" The former water hashira yelled out, as if to scold Tanjuro, having now been given the chance to duck beneath the blade before retaliating. "Water Breathing, Sixth Form: Whirlpool!" Urukodaki twisted his body, fiercely swinging his blade in a whirling motion all around him, generating a stream of slashes around him that traveled in an upward spiral. Tanjuro quickly recognized his mistake, suddenly beginning to twist and rotate while midair, as the whirlpool seemingly cut through his afterimage before vanishing in a burst of colorful flame.

"Hinokami Kagura: Fake Rainbow.."

!! Damn! It's that form he used against the demon back at the temple!

Urukodaki realized, being left in a vulnerable state. Reappearing just next to the elderly man, with his bokken already reared into the air, Tanjuro's gaze had been set for his next attack. "Hinokami Kagura: Dance!" He exclaimed, swinging his wooden sword in a downward arc directly onto Urukodaki's, the powerful force behind his definitive swing snapping through Urukodaki's bokken upon making contact, breaking the wooden sword.

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