Chapter 11

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At the diner that Luke had chosen for their date the two boys were sitting in a booth with milkshakes and some cheesy fries. The two were sitting opposite each other and had big smiles on their faces. All of Luke's nerves about this date going poorly had disappeared once he and Danny had sat down with their food because immediately the two fell into comfortable conversation like always. Luke enjoyed Danny's presence, let alone when he was feeling safe and his speech became slightly better. He knew from how Danny had described his speech impediment that it would never fully go away but sometimes he would stutter less. Luke has never been annoyed or put off by Danny stuttering but he is happy when it becomes infrequent because it's a sign that he feels more relaxed with Luke. He even notices when Danny gets over excited or frightened by something that it picks up again.

Danny had been really worried a dinner date would end up with too much dead silence while they tried eating, but so far they had been consistently chatting about highschool memories, and stories about work. All light conversation topics because they were in public, which Danny kept having to remind himself since it felt like he and Luke were the only people in the world that existed at the moment.

At some point during the dinner Luke notices how Danny's oversized sweater hangs to the side with a certain movement and he can catch a glance of Danny's collarbones. Luke has never wanted this badly to kiss someone's neck, he really hasn't ever wanted to kiss anyone's neck, is it weird he wants that? Danny just looks so soft yet hot and like the perfect person all in one. Luke gets a little lost in his thoughts while staring at Danny's shoulders because the next thing he knows Danny is launching the rolled up straw wrapper at his face. Nailing him square in the nose, making it itch. Luke laughs it off, apologizing for not listening to what question Danny had asked. But Danny didn't miss the flush on Luke's cheeks.

"You kn-n-now that you c-can stare bec-c-cause we are official boy-boyfriends, right?" Danny says, teasing Luke. Danny smiles into a sip of his milkshake peering at Luke through his eyelashes.

"Oh god, I'm sorry for staring. I really didn't mean to but you are just so perfect you know. Like I just really want to kiss you right now" Luke says letting out a sigh and slumping in his seat a bit.

"What's st-t-topping you then?" Danny asks, with a racing heart. That is the most bold thing Danny has ever and probably will ever say. He receives a choked laugh and a look of utter shock in return from Luke.

"I-i um... I mean" Luke starts but cuts himself off because he doesn't know what's stopping him. He's never kissed anyone in public let alone a boy. That would be a big step, but Danny is the perfect person to do that with. But is he ready for that, they're surrounded by strangers, yet he knows they will be judged. And now he is lost in thought again but for an entirely different and worse reason.

"Okay! L-l-let's get going and s-s-s-see what we can do ab-b-bout your problem when w-we g-g-g-g-get back to my place, ye-yeah?" Danny says after seeing the look of panic gloss over Luke's face after his cheeky comment. Maybe he had gone too far with saying that. He thought it was funny but now he thinks that he possibly offended Luke.

They drive home together with the music playing softly. Luke is enjoying the peace and what he thinks is comfortable silence with Danny. Meanwhile Danny is slowly descending into a panic over Luke's reaction to his comment. He can't keep his mind from spiralling with thoughts about making Luke feel pressured. Once they pull into the driveway Danny decides now is the time to apologize for what he said.

"L-l-luke, I'm really sorr-r-r-r-ry! I did-d-dn't mean t-to make you un-un-uncomfortable eal-lier" Danny practically yells before Luke can even take his seat belt off. Cleary needing to say this urgently because he couldn't take another minute of this eating him up inside.

"What? You didn't, what are you talking about?" Luke says, looking over at Danny from the driver's seat confused.

"At the restaurant, ab-b-b-bout kissing"Danny says, now a little more unsurely because of Luke's confusion.

" you didn't make me uncomfortable like that. I just haven't ever been in a relationship or had this type of affection before so I'm still getting used to someone actually liking me, you know?" Luke says, rubbing the back of his neck with his hand because he feels awkward trying to explain his emotions surrounding affection. Luke doesn't come from a household of huggers or family that talks it out. His dad is a man's man in the worst way possible and doesn't think boys should have feelings and their mom just pushes things off and moves on instead of comforting.

"Oh, t-t-thank god" Danny says, bringing a hand up to cover the pounding heart in his chest. All the anxiety rushing out of him in one breath he didn't realize he was holding after Luke mentions that the comment wasn't what was bothering him.

Once the boys have made their way inside, deciding to spend some more time together at Danny's house, they head to the kitchen to grab a drink before settling in to watch a couple more episodes of the TV show they started together.

"Look, I-i-i'm really sor-rry no one has told-d you how am-m-maizing it is to k-kiss you" Danny says with a big grin on his face coming closer to stand next to Luke leaning a hip against the kitchen counter.

"It's okay, I know I'm not that great but I promise with practice I'll get better. And I promise to try my best at this whole boyfriend thing" Luke says, resting a hand on Danny's hip and rubbing his thumb back and forth over the material of Danny's sweater.

"Well, j-just call me w-w-w-when you want t-to prac-c-ctice" Danny says, blushing, giggling and walking away into the living room to settle onto the couch.

"Iwanttocomeouttomyparents" Luke blurts out really fast following behind Danny but not lifting his gaze from the floor where Danny's sock feet stand. He feels like he can't think about this for too long let alone say it allowed to someone else without it being too scary and real. Luke is terrified about what his parents' reaction will be. Danny slowly turns back around, processing what Luke just said.

"Luke...I-i-i-i'm proud of y-you" Danny says, holding Luke's jaw with both hands and lifting his chin to make eye contact. They stay in this position for a moment. Danny watches the tears gather in Luke's eyes while he stares intently into Danny's eyes searching for comfort and reassurance.

"D-d-do you feel read-d-dy and comfortable disc-c-cussing this? I w-want you t-t-t-t-to know you are want-t-ted here ok-k-kay?" Danny says keeping his hold on Luke's face. Luke gives a slight node, squeezing his eyes shut forcing a couple tears to roll down his cheeks which Danny's thumb sweeps away immediately.

"I'm really scared Danny" Luke whimpers out throwing his arms around Danny's shoulders and burying his face in the junction of Danny's neck and shoulder.

"You do what y-y-y-you want, n-not what any-ny-nyone else wants you to do first, y-yes?" Danny says, getting a confirming nod from Luke that he feels more then sees since Luke is still clinging to him like a small child.

"Okay, so I think-k-k you should w-wait a little bi-bi-bit longer because I-I want you to feel okay with-th yourself no m-m-m-matter what. And as much as I kn-know you want to be strong I don't think y-y-you are there yet-t in this personal j-j-j-journey. B-but I need you t-t-to know that whatever happens I-I-I will always be here f-f-f-f-for you through this. Now we are g-going to sit on this couch and cud-d-ddle and snuggle and do whatever makes you feel better b-because that was a big display of feel-l-lings. You deserve some happiness r-right now" Danny whispers into Luke's ear, resting his cheek against Luke's head and stroking between Luke's shoulder blades comfortingly. Finalizing his speech Danny gives a light kiss to Luke's cheek and pulls away slightly to move them further into the living room in the direction of the couch.

Luke agrees with him quietly and just leans into all the comfort that Danny brings him, physically and emotionally. They cuddle up on the couch with Danny sitting leaning on one of the arms with his feet elevated on the coffee table and a pillow on his lap leaning against the arm of the couch so Luke can rest his back on it. This position allows Luke to tuck his head under Danny's chin and rest on his chest. Danny takes the opportunity to run his fingers through Luke's hair while passively observing the TV show and thinking about how much he wants a different parental relationship for someone so special as Luke. Periodically Luke lets out little sighs indicating to Danny that he isn't done thinking about this. 

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 05, 2023 ⏰

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