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Friday, May 14th, 2027

-Aisha's P.O.V.-

Today is prom day. 

If someone told me a year ago that I would be going to prom with the love of my life, I would laugh in their face. 

I would go on a rant about me not having time to entertain high school boys, and not having the energy to buy overpriced tickets in order to attend a pointless school dance with people I don't like, wearing an overpriced dress that I will probably only wear once. 

But here I am, in front of the mirror, wearing a dusty blue sweetheart mermaid dress, with a nice slit to show off my legs. Hair in a low ponytail and silver heels. 

The dress was simple, not over the top, and something I know I will wear again. 

I look gorgeous. 

My thoughts were cut short when I heard a sniffle. My mom and dad were standing in front of my door, Mom was crying it looked like my dad had some type of emotion on his face. 

"Aw mom, why the tears?" I ask walking up to them and giving her a hug.

"You look, beautiful sweety, I'm so happy you decided to enjoy your senior year, with all of the shit that happened." 

I wipe away her tears and look up at my dad who hasn't said anything. He clears his throat, giving me a jewelry box. I give a small smile and open it, it was a pair of earrings. 

"Thank you, Daddy," I say giving him a quick peck on the cheek before backing away. 

"Your father has something to say to you, I'll go downstairs and entertain the guests." 

I didn't have a big prom sendoff but since my house was the biggest, the group decided to come here for pictures. I was the last one to get ready so no one has seen me yet. 

I sit on my bed silently examining the gift my dad gave me, I feel the bed dip and my dad clears his throat again. 

"I'm sorry I haven't been the best father." He spoke after a few minutes of awkward silence. "And I'm sorry for what I said about your boyfriend." 

"It's alright." 

"I don't have a proper explanation to justify it, and you have every right to be mad at me," He continues. "I do love and care for you Aisha, you're my only child, my only daughter." 

"I know you care." 

"You don't have to lie, I know that I don't show it in the proper way, and I know when it comes to the people in my life, I make it painfully obvious that your mom is first." He admits. 

I stay silent. 

"And that do make me a bad father, no matter how many gifts and trips I give you, I know that doesn't make up for it. I was an absent father and you don't deserve that. I won't go into much detail, since I know your mom already talked to you about our past." 

"Yeah, she did."

"But Aisha, I do love you, I do want what's best for you and I do want to protect you. It's hard for me to feel emotions and when I do they're strong, the thought of losing you will simply break me. No matter how obvious it seems on the outside, your mom is not the first person in my life. You both are, you are my blood, my joy, and the thought of losing you affects me every waking moment." 

I don't say anything. Waiting for him to finish. 

"I will try to be better in the future, I won't let the thought of losing you cripple me from loving you, since it's obvious that I already started losing you with my actions anyways. I have started more intensive therapy, and stronger pills, and will work less so I can be more available for you. Your mom and I have talked, we will be more present in your life, promise." 

I give him a big hug, not knowing what to say. 

"I love you, Daddy," 

"I love you more my sweet child." He responds giving me a tight hug. 

We pull away from the hug and I put on my earrings, ready to go downstairs. My hand is on my dad's arm as we make our way out of my room. 

I smile at Azrail who was looking at me intensely once we reach the top of the stairs. 

"That boy," My dad mutters. "Love you a lot, borderline obsessed with you, I see it in his eyes." 


"He has a craziness in his eyes when he looks at you, the same one I have for your mother, probably even worse," My dad says in a warning voice. "Those fires in his eyes show me will kill for you, no matter the consequences and although I am happy that you found someone to protect you, be careful." 

I say nothing to my dad's warning, instead, I put on a big smile and walk towards Azrail giving him a hug. 

A low whistle comes from Jason. 

"You look gorgeous Aisha," He compliments giving me a smile. 

"Thank you,"


I cringe at my best friend's squeals and face Tessa who was wearing a beautiful green prom dress. It incorporated her culture and have nice intricate details of gold. 

"YOU LOOK SO GORGEOUS" We both squeal at each other, making everyone in the room laugh as we run towards each other hugging and complimenting each other. 

"Picture time," Rosalie says getting in between us and taking pictures with her camera. 

We made our way to the living room, taking pictures and chatting. Azrail's mom and I were obsessing over how we looked, and embarrassing us by planning our wedding. I ignore the way my dad was looking over Azrail and me, his words in the back of my mind. 

"You look, gorgeous angel," Azrail whispers in my ear while we wearing taking pictures. I look up at him, fixing the tie on his suit. 

"You look handsome turtle." 


Wrote a prom chapter to live vicariously through them because the pandemic took away prom from me. 

I will forever be salty and I didn't even want to go to prom when I first started high school. I was finally y convinced senior year and then months later,,,,,, lockdown. 

Sorry for the rant. 

Two more chapters left :)

Thank you for ready this book and sticking with me through all of my inconsistent updates. I was so surprised when I saw that I started this book in June of last year....

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