chapter 9

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"Anna, I'm telling you, I thought you were lying this entire time." Laughter was the only thing you heard on your end, your best friend's face disappearing from the screen as she bursts out into laughter.

You had called her the second you had gotten back to your hotel, frozen in disbelief at the two meetings you had just sat through, sprung on you unexpectedly once you voiced your acceptance of the bond.

"Now, miss Y/n, we would like to stay on top of things before the government records are leaked, which we are almost certain they will be as the boys' soulmate status is a constant debate and even more so since we announced our search for you. As such, we have a meeting planned now that the bond has been accepted and you are to be staying in South Korea." The boys' manager, Sejin, had announced once he had come to check up on you all in the large room.

You had been in Namjoon and Jimin's arms for only a couple of minutes, and you were wondering if Sejin was sitting outside just listening to everything going on. You looked to Namjoon, almost instinctually, to see if this was okay. You had accepted the bond only minutes ago and were now being thrust into meetings with HYBE staff.

"Does it have to be now?" Namjoon turned his head to look at Sejin, only to get a soft nod in response. Namjoon could only sigh, knowing and understanding how his managers were by this point.

"I'm sorry, Y/n. But things could get ugly quickly if we wait to have this meeting. We need to figure out a protection detail for you sooner rather than later amongst other things." Namjoon looked dejected, as did the others. You could only nod, a little out of your element.

Jungkook was the first to get up, holding his hands out for you to take as he helped you off of the couch, making Jimin pout as you left his arms. Jungkook continued to hold your hand as the others got up, lacing his fingers with yours and holding you close.

You didn't know it, but Jungkook was the rock you needed to keep you grounded as you walked with the boys to the meeting room after getting off of the elevator. His grip on your hand was light but reassuring, a strong presence as you felt like you were gonna fall with your fear of the unknown. You had no idea what was coming, and it scared you.

"Everything will be okay." His English was low, voice deeper than you expected as he whispered the reassurance. Jungkook could feel your nerves, like they were within his own body. He hated that you felt that way and tried to do what he could to help you feel better.

"I hope so." You whisper back, bumping your head against his shoulder in thanks. You knew he was trying, and you appreciated it.

When Sejin knocked on the door, and got a reply, he nodded his head and opened the door for you all, giving you a nice smile as you passed by with Jungkook right behind you, hand still holding yours. The second you entered the room, you were met with loud voices, words of congratulations you mentally translate, coming from a number of people in the room all at once.

You jumped a little in surprise, causing some quiet laughter to come from Jimin as he walked in behind Jungkook. You looked at him, blushing in your own embarrassment as he walked by. You knew he wasn't laughing at you, more like he was laughing out of affection. You don't know how you knew, but you did.

"Please, come sit!" You looked over to see who spoke but you didn't recognize the voice, instead you saw a space between Namjoon and Yoongi, and Bang PD gesturing to the seat. You nodded your head and moved to the empty seat, reluctantly letting go of Jungkook's hand, seeing him sit down on the other side of the table next to Hoseok.

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