chapter 10

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The Korean BBQ place the boys had taken you to was a hole-in-the-wall place, inconspicuous and rightly so. It was the perfect place to just get away for a while, no one to worry about following you.

The interior was sleek and shiny, everything seeming to catch your eye as the host showed you and the boys to a booth in the back, hidden by one of the large dividers that seemed to separate every table or booth from one another.

"Thank you." You nodded your head to the host, who seemed to only blink at you before walking away. You pouted a little at his behavior, not used to this kind of reaction when you were trying to be polite. Maybe things are different in Korea? You thought.

Jimin sat down first, then Taehyung gestured for you to sit in between the two. You thought it was just them being nice, but really, they wanted you in between them to keep you safe. They felt better knowing that they were on the outside of the booth, helping to keep their protective instincts at bay with you in the middle.

"Here, baby." Jimin spoke up, handing you a menu from the stack on the edge of the table. You took the menu from him while also trying to take in your surroundings. You recognized the grill plate in the middle of the table, and the bowls of banchan, familiar with a couple of the side dishes placed in front of you.

Unfortunately, you didn't recognize any of the words on the menu, struggling with your minimal knowledge of Hangul to be able to make out any of the dishes or options. You recognized bulgogi, but that was it.

"I, uhm, I will just have whatever you are going to order." You told your soulmates, feeling a little uncomfortable that you couldn't read the menu. You felt a little dumb, which was stupid as it was an entirely new language for you. You couldn't possibly be expected to know the language within the span of a couple weeks.

"Oh, darling. We're sorry. Here." Taehyung moved closer and sat right next to you, his thigh touching yours as he began to read the menu to you. His voice was soft, nothing in the way of feeding your embarrassment. He made you feel safe.

Jimin began to look over your other shoulder, his chin rested on you as he also listened to Taehyung rattle off the different meat options to you. It felt nice, almost domestic even, as you sat there on your date. You froze as your eyes widened in shock.

Oh my. This was a date, wasn't it?

Your shock was cut off by Jimin's phone ringing, the singer leaving to answer it once he saw the caller ID. That left you and Taehyung, until his phone rang as well. You saw it was Jin, but the older man moved out of the booth and a couple feet away as he answered the call.

You were now left alone in the center of the booth, an open menu in front of you. You tried to remember how Taehyung described the different options, mouthing the words as you read them slowly to yourself, trying to become familiar with them. You had heard that would help you to better learn the language.

"What will you be ordering?" The host from before came over with a notepad, staring you down with what you see as a slight distaste. You didn't know what he said though, and you could only assume he came to take the food order.

"Uhm..." You have no clue what the boys were going to order, and they were not here to answer that so you were unsure what to do. For now, you could try to order the bulgogi at least. You guessed that would be a common meat for Korean BBQ.

You tried reading out some things from the menu only to hear a scoff.

"Stupid foreigners." The man snapped his notepad shut, making you look back down at the menu, feeling extremely embarrassed and uncomfortable. "You don't need to be eating anyways." The man looked you up and down, only furthering your embarrassment and having you cross your arms in front of your stomach.

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