chapter 11

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"Alright, we have some vending machines over here, and a little way down, there is a little café that Yoongi likes to get americanos from when it gets late."

You had arrived with Jungkook after being dropped off by the lovely Songun. It was a little pass nine am and the boys were all slowly trickling into the building. However, instead of moving to the practice room the boys had booked, Jungkook decided to take you on a small tour of the floor, showing you where everything was and giving little tidbits of the boys while you walked.

You were shocked by the number of things they had on the practice floors. Each floor had a small nook where they could pick up fresh snacks like veggie and fruit cups. They also had refrigerated drink stands that had a wide variety of drinks. All four practice floors also had a small café towards the middle of the floor, something Jungkook was excited about.

"I guess I should have brought my card?" You thought aloud once you saw the little fresh fruit cups.

"Baby, you never need to worry about using your money when you're with us. I can promise the others will get a little upset that you think you need to. Also, everything on the practice floors is free. Well, for us, since we own a lot of shares in the company. Which means you don't ever need to pay for anything in the company." Your eyes widen at his words. Everything the boys say or do just keeps surprising you, to the point where your eyes might permanently widen.

"Oh." you whisper, reaching out slowly to grab a little cup of watermelon, still thinking that someone was going to make you pay for them, popping up from behind the cart.

Jungkook just laughed, thinking you were unbelievably cute and innocent. He couldn't stop looking at you, happy and excited to be able to be with you and get to know you. He already noticed that you stick your tongue out a little when concentrating, and that your nose scrunches up like his when you laugh.

He noticed that you also tend to pick at your fingers when you're nervous something that had him moving to hold your hand. Which is what he did when you realized no one was going to come after you to pay for your fruit.

"C'mon baby, I bet the others are already in the practice room getting ready." Jungkook began to tug you forward to the room. He could feel the pad of your pointer finger rubbing over the top of his hand; a soothing movement, he realized.

I don't care as long as she is with me. Jungkook thought.

Out of their soulmate group, Jungkook had been the most eager to find you. You were only a couple months apart and to know that he had spent the last ten plus years with their soulmates, enjoying life and the bond between them, while you had none of that, it had him aching to make it up to you. He had so much love to spread, and to have a younger soulmate who he could take care of and protect like his hyungs did with his made his soul sing.

Jungkook wanted to show you how great love and the soul bond could be.

In the hopes of getting your spirit up again, Jungkook began to swing your arms, slowly at first and then faster until your arms were going above your heads and your laughter could be heard from the practice room down the hall. Jungkook began skipping in place, going at your pace until you reached the practice room, door already open and Jimin and Hoseok peaking their heads out.

"Ahh there's our baby soulmates!" Jimin exclaims, reaching out to Jungkook and pulling him in for a hug.

"Did you two have fun last night?" Hoseok comes and pulls you into his arms, squeezing you tightly as he walks backwards into the practice room where the rest of your soul group were.

"He watched Bride of Habaek with me!" You exclaimed, excited that you had someone to watch Kdramas with you. "And we had lots of cuddles. Jungkook is good at cuddling." You felt so comfortable that you couldn't help but to spill everything.

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