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Lord Black and Lord Potter both met up away from the war of Grindelwald. Both knew the influence of Albus Dumbledore and the doom he would cause the Wizarding World one day. They were both met with an offer. An offer given by the Potter's guardian, Death. The offer was to live in the time of what would be known as Camelot. There had been a prophecy, one that would place Lord Potter's granddaughter and Lord Black's son as the helpers of Merlin himself, they would push him to be the best he could be.

Lord Black and Lord Potter took the offer. They both grabbed their leaves, who agreed, and they travelled back in time. Death had given Lord Potter a warning, his granddaughter would need the Hallows, and she would be Death's Mistress. Death gave Lord Black a warning, his son would not rule over the kingdom he would develop. He would become a Grimm shifter, a Death Omen, the one who warns it's victims of their doom. Both Lord Black and Lord Potter were also told their respective son and granddaughter were soulmates, and that they had a third. The third would come last; he was a knight of Camelot. (Wonder whooooo?)

Lord Black and Lord Potter created towns next door to each other, they were known allies.

Lord Black had the town of Protegere. They were the protectors, those that warn. They had packs of Grimms that stayed at the castle. The pack grew excited when the announcement of the future Queen of Protegere, Lucretia, who would develop the same gift of controlling the Grimms. The people who lived there were trained in both magic and combat, whichever they pleased. The people who would watch the Grimm pack from afar, noticed the second one develop. Soon, Lord Black had announced the birth of a son, Orion.

Lord Potter, on request of Death, had the town of Peverell. They held the best deadliest town, but remained peaceful when they weren't attacked. Those from Protegere and Peverell communicated peacefully amongst each other and held monthly events between the two towns. Lord Potter already had a son, Fleamont, who had taken an interest in a maiden in his town, Euphemia, and soon they were wed. There were other Kings that argued about marrying out of royalty, but the town of Peverell didn't care.

A few years passed, Lord Potter and his wife had fallen ill. Somebody had poisoned them. That was when the Potters' gained their reputation. The man who poisoned the King and Queen had been found. The man was brought out in chains that he couldn't escape neither by strength nor by magic. Newly named King Fleamont or King Peverell as they went by, ordered for his public torture. He muttered curses, screamed curses in languages the people didn't know. It was a screechy language that filled them with chills. All while the being known as Death in her disguise stood by the side of the crowd, watching her Mistress' father with a proud smile.

The Potters gained their reputation; they gained respect of the people. The Potters were fair in their judgments, but were ruthless when someone was to be punished. Then one day, Fleamont called the people to the castle with a big, infectious grin on his face. He announced the soon arrival of the heir of Peverell. He knew it to be a daughter from the tales his father told him; he also knew that the ten year old Orion would be his daughter's husband along with another.

Then Josephine Potter was born. The kingdom of Peverell now had a Princess! Orion was overly eager to see the baby and kept bugging, and bugging, and bugging his parents to go see the baby. When he did, he looked at the little baby in awe.

Then the kingdom of Camelot announced the ban on magic after the death of the Queen and the birth of the prince. King Fleamont and Lord Black never trusted Uther, they knew not too. They told Josephine, Lucretia, and Orion about Uther's intentions. However, what Uther didn't know, was all the times Arthur had been around the trio, he did learn about magic, he learned the three of them had magic when one of them had healed him. Uther had sent him to learn to train. Arthur had his eyes open to all the things magic could be used for. The Kings of Protegere and Peverell expressed the danger of him keeping quiet about it and told them that when Arthur had been born and the queen had died, that King Fleamont with the assistance of Lord Black and Lucretia (who was reaching fifteen years old) that put a charm on the mention of the two kingdoms being magical. Nobody could say that it was magical unless they are talking to another that knows or someone that has magic. Arthur was warned that Gaius knows, but if Arthur were to Gaius, there were no guarantees that he would tell Uther. Arthur was also told about Morgana's hidden magic, that he needed to be mindful of her.

Years later came the day Peverell was attacked. A very big group of sorcerers turned rouge, had snuck through Protégé, not intending to hurt the town that surrounded Peverell, and the group went and attacked the inner town. What they didn't know, is that even though the army caused a lot of damage, causing the Princess Peverell to need to leave her family behind, most of the people were trained. Prince Orion and newly named Queen Lucretia sent their Grimm packs to help. The army lost, but it would take a while to the buildup charms to protect the two towns. Everyone knew the Princess of Peverell would not return for a while and wished her luck in Camelot. They never did learn about the Potters' Luck, did they?

Camelot accepted seventeen year old Princess Josephine with open arms. King Fleamont had made it clear that if harm came to his daughter, Camelot would face the consequences. King Fleamont also made it clear that Uther was not to interfere with Josephine's choosing of a husband nor can he order Josephine's maidservant (Death) around.

The arrival of the Peverell Princess was sure to cause chaos in the lives of those in Camelot.

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