Chapter 2 - Deadly life

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Protagonist: Mickey

Minnie: L-Launchpad!

Everything just seemed to be fallen apart around this, Launchpad was just being held there by thin wire. The wire just cutting deep into his skin, his eyes widened from shock.

Launchpad: ...

Darkwing: Launchpad! Say something!

Launchpad: ...

Josè: Panchito?

Josè quickly made his way to Panchito's side, noticing him gripping on his own wrist.

Josè: Are you hurt?

Panchito: J-just got a bit scratched... That's all.

It didn't take long before the others began coming over to see Launchpad lifeless...

Daisy: Dear god!!

Dale: W-why again?!? Who?!? Why?!?

Oswald: So someone actually wished to continue the game?...

Donald: What the....

Pete: I'm not shocked.

Oswald: Why's that Pete?

Pete: Just seems like as soon as people get something worth of value taken away they kill to find out more.

Donald: Pete has a point.

Monobulb: Oh wow! Launchpad has went the most gruesome way I have ever seen!! Someone must have had it out for him!

Mickey: ....

Oswald: You've arrived just to give us the file correct?

Monobulb: Yes Yes I have! But I'm rather annoyed at something. But anyways my annoyance isn't your concern so here's your file and Adios!
(Translation: Adios = Goodbye)

With that Monobukb placed the file infront of him and simply vanished.

Here we go again.

~~~~<Investigatiom start>~~~~

I guess I should start with the file.
I picked up the file and turned it on.

Bulb file #2:

Victim: Launchpad McQuack | Ultimate Plance Crasher

- The Time of death was 10:54 A.M & the body was Discovered at 11:04 A.M

- The cause of death was bloodloss

- The body was discovered by : Minnie, Panchtio & Darkwing

● Bulby File added to truth bullets

Mickey: So he was dead for 8 minutes? Poor Launchpad...

Pete: don't get to upset Mickey, aslong as we find his killer. Launchpad can be put to rest.

Mickey: You sure Pete?

Pete: I'm very positive. Now that Goofy isn't here, someone has to watch over you guys.

I just smiled gently at Pete.

Pete: By the way, what targets did you get??

Mickey: You mean from the motive?

Pete: Yes, if that is involved then I would like to gather everyone's targets.

Mickey: Oh, that makes sense. I only got Minnie, I had fallen ill the second day. According to Josè and Panchito, Minnie and Oswald were worried about me.

Pete: Oswald? Worried? That's new even for him.

Mickey: Definitely is.

Pete: Anyways, I'm gonna ask the others and see what I can get from them and I'll tell you after I collect everyone's.

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