Chapter Two- Living up to the word 'asshole'

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"Mom," I said, exasperatingly. Mom just gave me a guilty look and shook her head.

"Honey, I can explain," She put her hands up in surrender and I rolled my eyes at her.

"Please, do enlighten me," I did not do any effort to keep the sarcasm off my tone.

"Look, I forgot to tell you about this....I was preoccupied with work and all. The Davidsons are very close friends of mine. You wouldn't remember meeting them—when you were like, one year old or something," Mom went on and I kept shooting death glares at her, "The house next to ours—the one that's been empty since Ms. Frankie's demise, is going to be occupied by them. But they're going to be staying at ours because, the furniture is not yet delivered and all,"

  I narrowed my eyes again. "Why are they moving there?" I asked, out of curiosity.

"Job stuff," mom replied vaguely. Right.

I stared at the Davidsons' talking to each other, huddled at the gate. Chace McAsshole wasn't to be seen yet. I wasn't sure if that was a good thing, or a bad thing. Either way, I had a feeling I'd be screwed.

"Great, mom, but you know, I'm not sharing a house with a badass delinquent who is rude as fuck, so please," I retort with a snort.

"Blair! Language!" mom gushed me, as if I'd her cursed her to death. I rolled my eyes at her. Please, it wasn't like she didn't curse like hell when she and dad used to—okay, that's enough I guess.

"I'm not asking you to share a bed with him, Blair," mom narrowed her eyes, turning around to leave, "Behave yourself and we'll all be good"

"But mom—" I started.

"Blair...!" she admonished me in her 'I'm-your-mother-obey-me tone  and I sighed a thousand air molecules.

"Fuck this," I muttered, watching my mom retreat back to her guests.

I hopped on my red Chevy and rode away.


I was infront of Starbucks and there still wasn't any sign of Lucy. Where the fuck is that girl when I actually need her?

I let out a frustrated groan and dialled her number numerous times, only to be led to her voice mail.

I grunted in despair and practically took the door down as I entered.

I strode over to the counter and ordered a pumpkin spice latte before getting in my car.

Hitting the pedals and driving off, the car came to an abrupt stop with a screech as it almost collided with a grey car. A Lamborghini.

Who the fuck parks cars in wayward directions?

I quickly get out of my car, slamming the door shut and sauntering off to this crazy-ass driver who tried to kill my baby.

Yes, she's my baby. Ain't no bitch gonna hurt it.

I saw scratches on the hood and that was what made me bang like a woman on a mission on his window.

The window rolled down and I faced a very hot delinquent.

"You?!" I shrieked, my eyes wide with disbelief.

Chace fucking Davidson grinned at me.

"Can't handle a car, eh, Blair?"

I gritted my teeth in annoyance. Seriously, the dude hasn't been on this wasteland for even two hours and he's already owning parking lots at Starbucks with god-knows-who in his fucking car!

"What is your problem?" I growled, lunging for him through the window.

He backed off, almost falling on some dude's lap. Wolf-whistles and hoots went off. The car was packed.

Social butterfly, much?

"Whoa, slow down, baby. Don't be so eager" he winked at me got out of the car. I growled again.

Okay breathe in, out. In, out. Don't slap him. Don't slap him. Don't—

"Okay, are you having an asthma attack, should I call the ambulance?" Chace asks with wide eyes.

I snapped out of it. And slapped him across his perfect face.


"Burn, brother!"


"Hot, bitch!"

Those were the annoying fucktards occupying his car. I don't know who they were but they sure as hell didn't go to my school.

"What did you just do?" Chace spitted out, his cheek red from my contact.

I raised an eyebrow, amazed of myself.

"I did what assholes like you deserve to be done to," I said simply, with an overly sweet smile.

Cue the wolf-whistles.

"Oh yeah," He smirked mockingly, "It's my problem you can't drive your goddamn car properly?"

I furrowed my eyebrows.

"Hello, you were the blocking my way with your fat-ass fuckers in the back."

"Oh please, you were just horny over my presence and therefore, you were distracted. Explains the shitty driving," He smiled at me, in a way that made me want to slap him again.

Any thoughts of him being the hottest thing I ever laid my eyes on, vanished all the way back to Pluto. This asshole needed a grenade up his dick.

"You scratched my car," I hissed, stepping closer.

His grey eyes fluttered over to my car for a second before landing back on my face again.

"So? You're rich. Fix it up," He says nonchalantly.

No, he did not go there.

"What?" I hissed again. He shrugged, opening his car door again. I held his wrist to stop him and he raised his eyebrows as if I was crazy.

"Stop being such a spoilt bitch, use the money for a cause," was all he said before he got in and raced off, with the howling dickheads.

What. The. Fuck. 

"Ugh!" I growled and ran my hand down my face in frustration.

I got into my car, slammed the door shut and went off to the cause  I had to deal with this shit.


sorry this is short, mah lavies! :* I was so tempted to upload, with all your support! haha, the good parts are getting closer!

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—Pic of Chace above! Isn't he HOT? ;)

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