Prologue: Helluva Start

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The first thing you felt waking up was the heat, a sweltering unbearable heat worse than any you'd ever felt and left you sweating heavier than your trips to the gym. Second thing you noticed was that you were lying on the ground without your glasses. Squinting, you groped around for them being extra careful lest you break them, but after some blind searching you did manage to locate them. Snatching them up, you quickly stood up and dusted yourself off before using the hem of you turtleneck as a makeshift cloth to clean them off before putting them on. Sliding the specs back up the ridge of your nose, you regained your sight only to freeze at what you saw.

 Sliding the specs back up the ridge of your nose, you regained your sight only to freeze at what you saw

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Y/n: What the?

For the first time you took a good look at your new surroundings, but the more you surveyed the landscape the more your confusion intensified. All around you for as far as the eye could see was nothing but a vast crimson wasteland of stony crags, barren plains of ash and sulfur, and fire. Lots and lots of fire, more than enough to justify the insufferable heat beating down on you. Wiping the sweat from your face, you looked up hoping only to be greeted your by a foreign lightless sky. You desperately searched for any familiar sight such as the sun or stars, but no matter where you looked all you saw were churning ebony clouds and distant winged shapes dotting a scarlet skyline.

Y/n: Where the hell am I?

Pacing around in confusion, you tried hopelessly to remember anything of the night prior, how you got here, or even just where here was. But as you wracked your brain for answers, you were too distracted to notice the ground ahead you rumbling until a geyser of flame erupted out the ground a mere foot in front of you.

Y/n: Aghhh!.

With a scream you scrambled back, stumbling on your high heel and falling backwards to land painfully on your back. Terrified, you curled up and flung your arms in front your face to block any stray embers. It was a full tense minute before you peaked out from your fetal position, but seeing the fire died down you breathed a sigh of relief and began checking over yourself for any burns. Luckily you seemed to have gotten away unharmed, the same couldn't be said for your turtleneck which now a sported a smoking singe along one it's sleeves.

Y/n: Damn it! This top was expensive.

Angry, you furiously slammed your hand against the ground beside.


Y/n: Huh?

Blinking in confusion, you pat around the ground around you and felt your fingers curl around something buried in the spot beneath you. Curious, your fished it out the ash, and brushed it off to reveal the burnt ratty cover of an old book decorated with a five pointed.

Y/n: Hold on, I know this book.

Indeed you instantly recognized it as the same book you had bought from an old haggard women at the farmer's market last week and just like that everything clicked into place. You had bought the book on a whim inspired by a dream you'd been having for several weeks prior, a dream where you were the submissive plaything to a harem of beautiful and terrible demonic girls who used your body to sate their infernal lusts. The same sexual nightmare you had awoken from earlier this night.

Now your mind could replay what happened, waking up a quarter till midnight panting, drenched with sweat, and dripping with arousal. You'd gotten out of bed to shower and satiate the burning need between your thighs, after which you'd been unable to return to sleep. At that point you's gotten dressed and made your way downstairs to watch some late night television, only to get distracted seeing this very same book that you promptly picked up and began tiredly reading from out of boredom. Your face fell in terror as the realization kicked you in the head.

Y/n: Oh dear god I'm in hell.

Suddenly the burning heat felt all the worse, sweating heavily and your body feeling exhausted as you lamented over the terrifying fact you were most likely in literal hell. Breathing became much more difficult as your heart began beating at a faster and faster pace. Panicked, you scrambled to open the book and flip through it at a frantic desperate pace.

Y/n: Come on, there has to be something in here to get me home.

Your eyes scoured every inch of the book, going through and reading every page at a blazing pace. But much to your anguish, there were very little in the way of answers in left in the Grimoire after the eruption of fire left it scorched and charred. It was little more than a blackened hunk of ash in your fingers, with the only thing you managed to gleam from it that there is possibly maybe an exit buried deep within the recess of Hell's infernal depths. But even if that were true and not a figment of your despairing soul, to even get to such an escape would require literally braving through hell itself and all the horrid nightmares therein. Just thinking of such an ordeal gripped your heart in dread, your brain conjuring up visions of sulfur and brimstone hellscapes guarded by sinful monsters and demons. Demons who'd take one look at you before swooping down to ensnare you in their torture.

Chewing your lip, you pictured what one such demonic woman might just do to you. Using her claws to tear the clothes from your body and pinning you against the ground using their bigger stronger devilish bodies. Then pushing your face into the dirt as they molested your voluptuous body for their own sick perverted pleasures. All before dragging you naked in front of their infernal cohorts, who'd join her in defiling your soft mortal flesh as a single hellish cabal. Just like in the dreams that had been plaguing you for so long.

Staring down at the book, you realized that your arousal was dripping down your thighs as you relived your dark sexual fantasies. Rubbing your thighs together you swallowed nervously, eyes flickering between the terrifying hells cape in front of you and backdown to the book you'd bought on whim inspired by dreams of a demonic harem. Innocently twirling your hair, you smiled coyly as you considered that maybe the locals would know how best to find this exit.

Y/n: Well, since I'm already here. . .

Smirking, you tossed the useless book aside and adjusted your clothes to best accentuate your slender curvy physique before confidently marching off into the bowels off hell determined to see this through to the end. The once fatally dangerous heat no longer seemed to affect you as you resolved yourself to find these demon girls, add them to your harem, and have them lead you the way out of hell. Swaying your hips, you smirked knowing nothing would stop you from achieving two dreams on this adventure.

Now just to figure out where the demon girls at?

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