Chapter 1: Pandemonica the Tired Demon

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Your plan at first glance was foolproof, first step find demon girls, step two seduce, and lastly coerce your newly formed harem of demonic lovers into guiding through Hell's exit gates. Quick, simple, and easy.

At least that's how you'd imagined it'd be, but as it turned out navigating your way through hell to find said demon girls was to put it succinctly, a living hell. Between the towering jagged spires of brimstone, billowing clouds of sulfur, and the several inch high heels on your boots this trek was already proving more than your daily jogs had prepared you for. But none that was the main issue, because within one hour of starting your journey you'd realized the biggest flaw in your plan.

You were completely and hopelessly lost.

In fact you were pretty sure you'd past the exact same rocky crag three times already. But even then you couldn't be sure, because after several hours aimlessly wandering the mono-red landscapes all the rocky crags and fire rivers started blending together. You'd give hell credit that it stuck to its theme of fiery hellscape, but dear lord you wished to see some variety in your surroundings. Or really just anything that'd be able to give you some sense of direction.

However true to its nature, Hell wasn't so merciful and by this point you were feeling dismayed by the sheer disorientation you felt trying to navigate this chthonic realm. To make the situation all the worse, you could feel the heat from before starting to reassert it's threat with a sweltering vengeance.

Dabbing at your forehead with a handkerchief, you swept your gaze across the horizon keeping your eyes peeled looking for anything you could use as shelter from the heat. But luck wasn't on your side for at first glance there was nothing but the wide expanse of barren wastelands and fiery plains for as far as your eye could see. Groaning in frustration you picked a random direction and started walking, hoping to find something to along the way before the heat killed you.

However, the longer you walked the more fruitless it started to feel. The heat beating down on you was only increasing and as you passed what must have been the three-hundredth jagged spire of brimstone or flaming pit you started doubting you'd ever even meet one demon girl let alone enough to make a harem. At this point your annoyance was boiling almost as much as the constant sweat that drenched your face, ruining your handkerchief as you had to constantly wipe yourself off.

Y/n: Ughhhh, you'd think for the realm of demons I'd be able to find at least o—wait, whata that?

Shielding your eyes from the nonexistent sun, you peered off in the distance where an peculiar glinting caught your gaze. Squinting you looked closer, spying a tall monolithic structure that seemed to almost blend in with the dark hellscape around it with its ominous blackened stone walls and towering windows of scarlet tinged glass. Seeing it you had to do double take, only to blink in utter confusion on how you almost missed something so enormous.

Y/n: I'm either having a mirage or a random hell building just appeared

You were skeptical, but between a possibly nonexistent building and almost certain hearstroke if you didn't get out of this heat you decided it was worth going over and checking if this was just a hallucination. Wiping the sweat from your brow, you took a deep breath and started hiking your way over.

Whether due to having an actual goal in mind or because the terrain didn't seem as rough on this stretch, it didn't take you nearly as long as you'd thought it would to get over there. The walk was still arduously long and your feet hurt from walking all day in high heels, but now you at least had a sense of progression as you watched the building on the horizon steadily grew closer.

Less than a hundred feet away from the building your eyes caught a flash of white, seeing several vaguely humanoid shapes standing at the structure's base. Creeping closer you got a clearer look, and immediately felt your cheeks heat up as you licked your lips.

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