chapter 7: a new enemy

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They both exchanged looks after espresso's sentence. Until they finally recognized eachother

Espresso- You... You are the blond boy from the ship!!!
Madeleine- And you are the  black haired boy that kept staring at me!!!
Espresso- My hair is brown you dumb fuck..
Madeleine- Really? It looks black, did you fall in the mud or something?

He laughs while espresso gives him a death stare, that was a huge disrespect for those that lived in the lower city, making fun of his culture!? And he calls himself a future knight of the divine!!

Espresso- what did you just say...
Madeleine- What? What did I do??

While he was confused, espresso got up and slapped him hard in the face, without showing any mercy

Espresso- don't ever get near me again...

He left while Madeleine was still processing what just happened, he tried being tolerant but insulting his friends, family and people he knew from there was way too far.


He went way too far, no one had the right to make fun of another cookie's culture and/or family!! That privileged boy was way out of his mind and he needed to feel the sour taste of rejection, espresso had no regrets and he would gladly do it again.


He was really confused to what have just occurred, did he just get slapped by an inferior cookie? He never thought the boy on his mind was violent because of a tiny joke! Madeleine got offended and now sees him very differently, that cookie is a monster.

While thinking of the terrifying act that just happened, the bell rang and multiple cookies ran to their classrooms, but Madeleine just walked calmly.


Espresso was sitting in his usual seat, for his luck he sat in the front row which gave him a better vision of the board. He then remembered that the cookie he just slapped was in his class.. And that couldn't get off his mind for some reason, that's when Madeleine walked in. Espresso wasn't lucky this time since the teacher asked Madeleine to sit right beside him, of course for Madeleine that was also bad luck, none of them wanted to be near eachother. Until Madeleine started the conversation:

Madeleine- Listen i-..
Espresso- *interrupting* shut it, I don't care
Madeleine- excuse me?! What kind of education did you get at municipal trash?
Espresso- WHAT DID YOU SAY!?
Madeleine- oh you heard me, "bitter"
Espresso- did you just... Oh hell no..

Espresso punched Madeleine in that face, which led to a big fight in the middle of the classroom, until the teacher saw and separated them. Espresso sat down and Madeleine was sent to the back row. Both death stared eachother and they knew.. That they both now have a new enemy..

End of chapter 7

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