After this nobody will ever look at you again

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The house was full of guests for Lady Sybil's birthday and all the servants were working extremely hard to maintain the standards that Downton was known for, after a busy morning Thomas was putting some cases away in the storage room when Lady Sybil walked in they'd been great friends ever since they'd worked together at the front line during the War. Thomas smiled and said 'Is everything alright M lady' Sybil smiled back and said 'Anna said you were looking for me' Thomas nodded and said 'Yes I remember now, I just wanted to say Happy Birthday and this is just a small gift from me' Sybil took the box from Thomas and carefully lifted the lid and inside was a pair of simple silver earrings with a Purple gemstone in the middle.

Sybil looked up at Thomas and said 'Thomas there beautiful, I love them thank you' Thomas smiled and said 'I know there not much M lady', Sybil popped the lid back on the box and said 'I'll treasure them always, there's the dressing gong I'd better go. Thank you again Thomas'. Once dinner was over and all his chores were over Thomas decided to go for a walk and have a drink at the pub in the village, once he arrived at the pub he purchased himself a glass of Cider and sat in the corner with nothing but his own thoughts for company. 

Mr Green had, had his eye on Thomas ever since he arrived at Downton so when he saw the Footman leave Downton to go down to the village he took his chance and followed him. Feeling confident he walked into the pub and purchased himself a glass of wine he approached the table where Thomas was sat and said 'Excuse do you mind if I sit here', Thomas nodded and said 'No of-course not. So are you enjoying your trip to Downton' Mr Green smiled and said 'I am rather'. As it got later Thomas decided it was time to head back to the house, Mr Green had already gone back as Thomas walked down the country path he heard someone whistle behind him, he turned around but there was nobody there and then he felt a sharp pain in the back of his head and he collapsed into darkness. 

The first thing Thomas was aware of when he came round was the throbbing pain in the back of his head, he slowly opened his eyes and the first thing he saw was the barrel of pistol staring him straight him the face. Mr Green smiled sinisterly and said 'I was worried you wouldn't wake up, I didn't want you to miss the fun' Thomas tried to get up but the dizziness overwhelmed him he pushed himself back against the tree and said 'What are you going to do to me', Mr Green pinned Thomas to the floor and said 'What I've been wanting to do ever since I set eyes on you, and after this nobody will ever look at you again'.

Thomas felt Mr Green tare his clothes from his body, before roughly entering him Thomas tried with what little strength he had to get Mr Green off him, Mr Green pinned Thomas's hands down with one hand before slapping him sharply across the face. It was midnight when Thomas finally felt some what stronger to make his way back to the house, as he walked into the yard the back door opened and Mrs Hughes stepped out she held the candle up and said 'Thomas where have you been, what's happened to you' Thomas leaned against the wall and said 'I really don't feel well Mrs Hughes, I just need to lie down' Mrs Hughes nodded and helped Thomas inside and up to his room.

Mrs Hughes gently helped Thomas into bed, Thomas curled up on his left side he looked over his shoulder and said 'Leave the candle lit please Mrs Hughes' Mrs Hughes nodded and said 'Of-course, Goodnight Thomas'. As soon as the door closed Thomas silently cried himself to sleep he felt dirty it also felt like he could feel Mr Green's hands touching him, clawing at his skin.

*~*~* Line Break *~*~* 

The next morning Thomas was up at his normal time as he dragged himself out of bed and slowly crossed the room to the small above the wash basin he saw the state his face was in and how absolutely exhausted he looked. Never the less he got himself washed and dressed and went downstairs for breakfast, he hoped nobody would ask him about his injuries but sure enough Anna looked up as he walked in and said 'Oh god Thomas what happened to you, are you alright' Thomas sat down at the table and said 'I'd rather not talk about it, I'm fine thank you'. 

The main topic of conversation at breakfast was the impending visit of the king and Queen, once breakfast was over Mr Carson stood up and said 'Before we all start our tasks I should inform you that the King and queens man and the princesses man will be arriving today, Andrew I would be grateful if you would show them where they'll be staying and give them a tour of the house so they know where everything is'. Andrew smiled as he looked at Thomas and then back to Mr Carson as he said 'But shouldn't Mr Barrow do that he is the first footman' Mr Carson nodded and said 'Yes he is, but we don't want the royal staff falling into the wrong crowd', Mr Barrow got up from the table and walked out of servants hall and down into the boot room where he busied himself cleaning Lord Granthem's riding boots Andrew walked in and said 'Mr Barrow are you alright, you don't look very well'.

Thomas gave a short smile and said 'Thank you for your concern, I'm fine though' Mrs Hughes walked in followed by two men the same age as Thomas, Mrs Hughes cleared her throat and said 'Ah Andrew this the Reynolds the king and queens man and Brimsley the Princesses man, if you could show them where their room will be and then show them around the house'. Thomas looked up from the boots he was polishing and his eyes found two pairs of gorgeous eyes he gave a small kind smile and much to his delight Reynolds and Brimsley smiled back at him before following Andrew out of the boot room and towards the staircase. The morning seemed to go on and on and the tasks seemed to just keep piling up but finally Thomas found some time to sit down he slowly made his way downstairs holding tightly onto the rail as a small wave of dizziness swept through him, he was looking forward to sitting down quietly but as he walked into the servants hall he saw Brimsley and Reynolds sitting there both deep in conversation. 

He turned to leave but before he could a voice stopped him 'Wait I don't think we've been properly introduced' said Reynolds, Thomas turned around and said 'Sorry I just seemed to have been very busy this morning, I'm Thomas the first footman', the shorter of the two men smiled and said 'It's a pleasure I'm Brimsley the Queen's man and this is Reynolds the kings man'. 

As Thomas sat down at the table Brimsley noticed the wound on Thomas's hand he pointed to it and said 'So how did you get that anyway', Thomas covered the wound with his other hand and said 'I was at the front during the war, I ended up getting shot. I was told I was unfit to return to the front so they sent me home', Reynolds was about to reply when Mr Carson walked in he stopped and said 'You two we've had word the king, Queen and princess will be here in time for dinner this evening, so you'd better go and get yourselves ready for their arrival'. 

That afternoon whilst everyone was busy working Thomas sneaked way to go down to the village to see the Dr,  he sat in the hallway waiting anxiously for the Dr to call him through, after a very tense 5 minute wait Dr Clarkson called him through he sat in the chair opposite the Dr.

Dr Clarkson looked at Thomas and said 'So how can I help you today Mr Barrow' Thomas took a deep breath and said 'The other night I was in the pub and on my way home I was attacked, I think my attacker raped me', Dr Clarkson sat forward slightly and said 'And are you experiencing any pain' Thomas nodded and said 'A bit yes. But I think I might also be pregnant as-well'. Dr Clarkson smiled sympathetically and said 'Why don't you make yourself comfortable on the bed, and I'll examine you' the examination seemed to pass Thomas by in the blink of an eye once he'd got himself dressed he went and sat opposite Dr Clarkson he looked up and said 'Well Dr tell me the worst'. 

Dr Clarkson sat forwards and said 'Well Thomas it does look as if your assumption was correct, you are indeed Pregnant' Thomas put his head in his hands and said 'No this can't be happening'. Dr Clarkson handed Thomas a tissue and said 'Thomas you need to calm down, in your current state it isn't wise to get worked up. I know this is a massive shock but from what I can tell the baby is healthy, your about 6 weeks pregnant' Thomas looked at his pocket watch and said 'Thank you for seeing me Dr, but I'm going to have to get back to the house'. 

As Thomas walked into the yard a wave of emotions came over him he sat down on the bench and cried, luckily there was nobody else around to laugh at him or ask him if he was ok but what he didn't know was that Brimsley was stood looking out of one of the windows from the male servants bathroom.

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