Princess Charlotte

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(Note: This Chapter contains Suicide attempt, if this triggers then please skip this chapter)

By the time the evening closed in the whole house was gleaming and awaiting the arrival of the King, Queen and their daughter once they'd received word that the royal carriages had been sighted the servants made their way upstairs to greet their majesties. Thomas stood beside Anna and rather than keeping his eyes forward he couldn't take his eyes off Brimsley and Reynolds in his eyes they were gorgeous but he'd thought that once about Mr Green and look what happened.

 Soon the gates opened and the royal carriages made their way up the path towards the house, the horses slowed down and came to a stop, the king and Queen stepped out from the first carriage and each of the servants bowed or curtsied and then Brimsley opened the door of the second carriage and everyone held their breaths as out stepped the King and Queen's daughter princess Charlotte truly she was a rare beauty but Thomas only had eyes for Reynolds and Brimsley. 

As the king, queen and Princess walked into Downton Reynolds leaned in towards Brimsley and whispered 'So what was wrong with him' Brimsley whispered back 'I have no idea I just saw him in the courtyard crying, put I can't stop thinking about him he's perfect'. Reynolds smiled back at his love his right hand brushed Brimsley's left hand as he said 'I agree with you my love I think he's perfect as-well' Brimsley was about to reply when Princess Charlotte came over and said 'Brimsley could you please take my trunks up to my room'.

Reynolds gave Brimsley a loving smile before walking over to the king and queen so he could take their cloaks, Brimsley approached Thomas and said 'Excuse me I wonder if you could show me where the Princess Amelia suite is'. Thomas nodded and took hold of the other handle on the large trunk and walked up the staircase with Brimsley giving him directions to Princess Charlotte's room, once they found it they walked in and Thomas placed the trunks down on the chest at the foot of the bed. 

He took several deep breaths as another wave of nausea swept through him, Brimsley looked at Thomas and said 'Thomas is everything alright, listen it's none of business but I saw you crying this afternoon in the courtyard', Thomas looked down at the dark blue coloured carpet before looking back at Brimley before saying 'I'm fine I just had some bad news that's all, I envy you both you have each-other and you can be free'. 

*~*~* Line Break *~*~*

Neither Thomas or Brimsley had noticed that Reynolds had entered the room and he said 'Do you not feel like you can't be who you are or free', 'It's just what people have said to me, my whole life they've pushed me around just because I'm different'. Thomas turned around and placed his hand on the door handle and paused as he turned it when Reynolds reached out and took his wrist, feeling some passion but mostly fear after what happened Thomas turned around and said 'Get off me please don't touch me'. 

Brimsley stepped forwards and said 'Thomas it's okay we're not going to hurt you, but someone clearly has. Please tell us what's happened' by this point Thomas was upset he opened the door and said 'I can't tell you, just forget about me I'm a nobody' the room was silent after Thomas left and Brimsley and Reynolds were left wondering what had happened to Thomas but before either of them could say anything Princess Charlotte walked in she looked at Brimsley and said 'What is going on in here' Brimsley bowed his head and said 'Forgive us Princess I had trouble moving the trunks by myself so I asked Reynolds to assist me'. 

Princess Charlotte nodded before saying 'Well I wish to retire for the night so please go and send in my royal dressers'. 

Day's passed and Thomas was now 12 weeks pregnant and the stares and whispers had finally gotten to him so this morning he woke earlier than usual and decided to bind his stomach with a long role of bandage that he'd found in his bedside table, once he'd done that and gotten dressed he made his way downstairs for breakfast but as he walked down the stairs into the servants quarters the whispers had gotten worse and Thomas couldn't bare to go into the servants hall he stood in the doorway before turning around as Brimsley said 'Are you not joining us for breakfast Mr Barrow' Thomas looked over his shoulder only briefly meeting the royal servant's blue eyes as he replied 'No I'm not hungry'. 

Three more weeks passed by and Brimley and Reynolds grew increasingly worried about Thomas and when they asked Anna and some of the other servants they all shared their concerns about Thomas. It was on a cold winters day the family had gone with the royal visitors to the races to watch Lady Mary and Lady Sybil ride in the point to point, so whilst they were gone the servants were busy getting dinner and the house ready for when they returned. Brimsley was busy sorting out Princess Charlottes room when Mr Carson walked in he quickly said 'Ah there you are the king, queen and princess are on their way back from the races with the family. Please go and find Mr Barrow and come back down to greet them as they return'. 

Brimsley headed upstairs to the servants quarters he walked down the corridor until he found Thomas's room he knocked a couple of times but got no answer so he walked in but found the room empty, Andrew was coming out of his room Brimsley turned around and said 'Andrew have you seen Thomas anywhere I can't find him'. Andrew straightened his jacket and said 'I saw him about an hour ago he was going in for a bath'. Brimsley ran down the hallway towards the men's bathroom and it was no surprise but the door was locked Andrew moved Brimsley out of the way and kicked the door in and as they walked in they found Thomas lying in the bath tub the water stained the brightest red with the blood from his wrists. 

Brimsley turned to Andrew and said 'Find Mrs Hughes and send Anna for the doctor but tell nobody else what you've seen'. Reynolds had come upstairs to change in preparation for the king and Queen's return to the house when he'd heard commotion coming from the bathroom Andrew passed him as he walked round the corner and as he walked into the bathroom he found Brimsley ripping Thomas's shirt into strips to bandage his wrists with, he stepped in and shut the door before saying 'What happened' Brimsley wrapped the torn strips around Thomas's wrists as he said 'I think he tried to kill himself, but luckily he doesn't seem to have gone too deep'. 

Reynolds walked over to the bath tub and said 'We need to move him into his room and we should undress him out of his wet clothes before he catches a cold' 'I hope he won't mind if we undress him' Brimsley softly said as Thomas stirred slightly. Reynolds reached out and reassuringly squeezed Brimsley hand as he replied 'I don't think he will mind, you take his legs I'll take his arms. I wonder what's made him so unhappy'. 

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