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"Alright, listen up losers," Chris announces, standing in front of the class. "Today is New Year's Eve, and to celebrate, I'll be throwing a party in my hotel lobby, tonight, at eight. Celine, baby, I'd better see you there," He winks at her.

She smiles awkwardly as Marc and Nathaniel glared at Chris.

"And because Celine's invited, you idiots are ALL invited," Chris reveals, surprising his classmates. "Except for you, sausage bangs," He points at Lila. "I don't like you one bit."

"W-What? But I didn't do anything," Lila protested, tears filling her eyes as she plays the victim.

"Sorry, Lila, but when Chris doesn't like someone, you have to deal with it." Mylène sympathetically tells her.

Lila pouts. "It's still not fair,"

"Just shut the he11 up. Life isn't fair. You'll be invited to plenty other parties. Or not." Marc smirks at his least favorite classmate.

Lila gives him a scowl.

Celine bits her lip and looks down, hiding a smile, happy that her enemy wasn't attending the party.

'Thanks a lot, Chris.'


Later that night, at the party, Celine was having the time of her life with her boyfriends, who stayed close to her the entire time.

Adrien was suspicious about this. Why were the boys clinging to his sl*tty half-sister?

Nevertheless, he ignored this and tried to find Marinette amoung the buzzing crowd, only to see her by the refreshment table laughing with Luka.

Jealousy immediately filled him, and he stormed over, grabbing Marinette's wrist unexpectedly.

"Marinette, do you wanna dance?" He asks.

Marinette stammered a bit, looking at Luka, then back at him with an apologetic gaze. "I-I'm sorry, Adrien, but I'm gonna dance with Luka."

"He can wait," Adrien's grip tightens around her wrist, causing her to wince.

"Hey," Luka steps in, pulling Marinette away from the Agreste boy by her other arm. "She's good with me, Adrien."

"This isn't any of your business, Couffaine," Adrien spat, glaring at him.

"Adrien, that's enough," Marinette put her foot down. "I'm not gonna dance with you and that's final. I'm dancing with Luka, so leave us alone."

𝘚𝘦𝘢𝘴𝘩𝘦𝘭𝘭𝘴.ೃ༄🌊 𝘔𝘢𝘳𝘤𝘢𝘯𝘪𝘦𝘭Where stories live. Discover now