Humble Beginnings Pt2.

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"She's my sister!" The purple haired woman said cheerily. "Horary." Elira dryly cheered. Pomu quickly appeared next to the long-necked woman, "I'm Pomu! This is Elira, and Rosemi!" She aimed at the taller girl wrapping her arm around hers. "My name's Selen, nice to meet you Pomu!" Selen returned the bright energy as Elira scoffed and lightly smiled. "Okay now let me show you around, no more disruptions! Follow me down the hall."

Elira, standing with Pomu, led the two new researchers towards a large aquarium looking room. Pomu started explaining as she stood against the glass "We are here to test if you're ready or not to work with our protective spec-." blaring alarms interrupted the sentence. Pomu stood there frozen for a moment before looking at Elira's suprised face, not even a second later Elira dashed to a nearby guard, "H-hey? What's going on!" She asks the slightly panicked looking guard, a bead of sweat slipping down his face, "A-ah! Doctor! There is a lot happening right now.. Please, all of you! Come with me- I need all the help I can get." He ran to a emergency room with all the girls following behind, as soon as the girls entered the room their faces contorted with the gory scene in front of them.

"Oh my gosh..." Pomu says as she enters the room with Elira who pressed her lips together at the scene. Selen and Rosemi finally step in the room, Selen flinches a bit whilst Rosemi gasps. 

There, on the table lies a bloodied up girl with black and orange hair. The hair short, seemingly ripped and uneven. Her arms broken and mangled, along with her legs, bite marks present. The girl was in critical condition. "What happened to her?" Elira seriously said looking at the medics rushing in and out of the room. "She was attacked by a polar bear and during the escape we theorize she tried to hide in her house she was attacked by a hungry fur seal nearby. And after she stared crawling desperately to get to her home, that is when a friend of ours found her and called us. She's an species we previously believed to be extinct, we're trying out best to save her.." He pauses sighing "There's more.." Rosemi walks up to the girl, joining the doctors in helping the poor animal. Elira glances at Rosemi and the back at the guard waiting for him to continue as she motions for Pomu to go help Rosemi and the other doctors. "001.. Is attempting an escape... again." He sighs, frustrated. "Selen help the guard detain 001. Sir please lead her to the area." Elira orders.


I followed the guard to the front gates where I saw an interesting bit of chaos going on. A green haired, purple eyed.. fish girl was being held down by 4-5 guards, strange claws scratching at the ground. 'She looks so...angry' I thought as I started to walk over to where the struggle was happening. I lean down to have a closer look at the fish girl, her ears were webbed, her clothes were tattered and she was lightly bruised, what I believe was from the fight that took place beforehand. 

I grinned at her as she growled at me. The guard that led me here handed me handcuffs so we could safely move her.

As soon as the other guards moved to hold her arms together she attempted to kick at them but eventually gave up with a solemn look on her face. I walked up behind her, and held her wrist together. She flinched at my touch and snarled as I cuffed her wrists and the guards started to walk past me with the small girl. I followed close behind until we end up in a familiar place. This was where Pomu was instructing us before the alarms. "Hm." 


Ahhh sorry for taking so long to post this.. Me and my two little helpers were racking our brains for this one, writers block really got me but I'm glad I had people to help. I hope for longer more well written chapters in the future.
This chapter may be re-written many times.

Thank you for reading this I'm sorry for how short this one was-

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 11 ⏰

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