Welcome to Flopville

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The train pulled away, leaving Nicki stranded in a run-down train station in some village in Southern Floptropica.

Nicki exited the crusty station. She saw a small village in the distance and a large pink sign that said, "Welcome to Flopville!"

With no trains back to Doje Kait until the morning, Nicki walked towards Flopville.

Nicki reached the gates of Flopville around five minutes later. Slowly, she opened the rusty gate and stepped inside the small village.

It was 3AM, and everything was silent in Flopville. How long was I asleep for? Nicki thought to herself.

Walking deeper into Flopville, Nicki saw a dim light coming from what seemed to be an old saloon.

The saloon was pink, as is normal in Floptropica. A large statue of a woman wearing a cowboy hat stood in the front. A fountain flowed from between her legs.

Cardi B was engraved into the statue.

Nicki walked slowly to the old rickety doors of the saloon and slowly opened them.

Inside was not what Nicki expected. Dozens upon dozens of people were in the small sallon. Dancing, singing, and gulping to the chaotic cacophony of My Neck, My Back.

Nicki doesn't go unnoticed for long.

"Hey, you!" A loud voice booms over the merrymaking and music of the Floptropicans.

Nicki spins around to see a woman cracking her knuckles, a gun holster resting on her thigh.

She wore a pink cowboy hat and a raggedy Floptropican cultural dress. She had an uncanny similarity to the statue outside.

"Well, well, well. Look what the cat dragged in." Cardi B taunts as she cocks her gun. "I think you and me should have a little fun, Onika Maraj."

"Wait, how do you know who I am?" Nicki demands.

"Oh, I've been waiting for you, Minaj." Cardi begins. "Now I'm gonna make you a bet. You win against me, Flopville is yours to play with. Lose, and you can never step foot in Floptropica again. And just a fair warning. I've got claws, sharp ones."

Having no gun, Nicki snaps her fingers, withdrawing her pink dildo. "Let's do this, bitch!"

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 12, 2023 ⏰

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