Chapter Five

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In the days that followed soon their classmates learned of the news that Adrien was sick with a fever and would be back at school soon. The entire time, Marinette felt the guilt eating away at her. She couldn't believe she had let something so horrible happen to another person – especially Adrien. She had visited with Alya and Nino but hadn't stayed long and Adrien wondered why she was suddenly acting so cold.

They had connected that day on the steps – when they had gone to eat lunch. But after getting sick Marinette had acted like a stranger. He had decided that as soon as he was feeling better, he was going to ask why when he got back to school.

But a week later when he was finally better and back to school, upon entering the classroom he was greeted by everyone except Marinette who still seemed to be avoiding him. "Hey guys!"

"Hey Adrien!" Alya said.

"What's up dude!" Nino said.

Marinette just starred down at the desk in shame. How could she have let this happen?

"Hey Marinette." He said, a wave of confusion crossing his features before sitting down at his spot.

Alya nudged her friend, and whispered in her ear. "Marinette, why did you do that? Why didn't you say hello?"

Just before she could respond, the teacher began to speak and the class began.

The rest of the class went smoothly, and the four of them didn't get a chance to talk until lunch. They met up at their regular meeting spot in the schoolgrounds and sat down. Marinette and Alya were joking about something to do with the latest scoop about ladybug, while Adrien was asking Nino why Marinette was ignoring him.

"I don't know dude."

Just then Marinette and Alya approached the guys. "Hey what's up?"

"Nothing much." Adrien said.

"Glad that class is finally over." Nino Added.

"For real though, I thought it was going to last forever." Marinette laughed, forgetting her guilt for a moment.

The other three friends all looked at Marinette with varying degrees of confusion on their faces.

"What?" She asked, feeling subconscious.

"Nothing, it's just that you haven't laughed like that in a while with all of us." Adrien said, really meaning him. She hadn't laughed with him present in a while.

Cheeks flushing, she said; "Oh, well I guess I've been feeling a little stressed recently."

"Tell, me about it! That last midterm almost killed me!" Alya added.

The tension was momentarily forgotten, all of them discussing it with great enthusiasm. This went on well into lunch and they were almost late for their next class. "Oh, I've gotta go, I'm going to be late for class." Alya said checking her phone.

"Oh, me too. Wait up Alya!" Nino said, rushing to catch up with her.

That left Marinette and Adrien at the picknick table. They looked up at each other, making nervous eye-contact. This was their first time alone with each other since he got sick.


They both spoke at the same time.

"You go first." They both said. That got them both giggling.

"Please, go first." He spoke.

"Uh, I know I've been acting a bit strange lately but it's hard to explain why. I'm just glad you're okay." She said, tearing up a bit.

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