Chapter Sixteen

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Adrien walked towards Marinette with his hands in his pockets. He had spotted her across the school yard talking to Alya. It had been a couple of days since the fashion competition and he had yet to have a proper conversation with her. Sure, they had said hello to each other in passing, and had both been present for group conversations – but he had never gotten the chance to congratulate her on her one on one for her win at the fashion competition – she had never given him the chance.

At first, he had thought she was just busy or it was unintentional – she probably had more projects to work on. But after a while of walking up to her and seeing her walk away within minutes, he was beginning to think it was on purpose. They saw each other all the time, and they hadn't even made eye contact. With the exception of the other day in class – the thought made his face heat up in embarrassment.

He would never be able to live that one down! Alya and Nino had not been able to shut up about it – every time they had a conversation about literally any topic somehow, they had managed to turn it into a conversation about him starring at Marinette. Not wanting to explain the real reason he had been starring – his theory about her possibly being Ladybug obviously – he had just let them believe what they wanted.

But despite the teasing he knew would come, he still wanted to talk to her. Adrien didn't care what other people thought of him. Of them. He was willing to take that risk if only he could talk to her and possibly even get the answers he is searching for. It would throw them off the trail; the real reason he wanted to talk to her anyway; and keep suspicions away from Ladybug and Chat Noir.

If he could only get a moment alone with her and ask a few key questions maybe, just maybe, he could figure it out – or at least eliminate a theory or two. But if one thing is for sure, Marinette was not going to make it easy on him. And this whole not knowing thing – is Marinette really Ladybug? Why was she avoiding him? – was destroying him inside.

He was trying not to let it get to him, but he found it kept popping up when he least expected it/ When he was trying to get other things done, or trying to be in the present moment. And Alya and Nino were not helping!

Adrien approached them and saw that Alya had noticed him. She turned to Marinette and whispered something he couldn't quite hear that must've embarrassed Marinette because she blushed bright red and turned to leave.

He nearly stopped in his tracks and frowned. Why was she running away again? Adrien ignored the pang of sad longing in his chest – he wasn't sure why that was there anyways – and carried on regardless.

Adrien sped up, carrying on at a brisk pace. If he hurried, he could catch up to her before class. Before he managed to reach the door, she had gone through, he felt a tug at his arm, holding him back.

He spun around only to see Alya. "Hey lover-boy. What are you up to?" She spoke the words casually.

Adrien looked back at the door and sighed. Never mind, maybe he would be able to talk to her after school. "Oh uh, I just wanted to talk to Marinette. Wish her congratulations on her win."

"Right. I'm sure that's all you were doing. Listen, maybe for whatever reason she doesn't want to talk to you right now." Alya said reluctantly, sighing.

"Wait what, why?" Adrien attempted to say the words calmly but he wasn't sure he succeeded.

The junior reporter shrugged. "I'm not entirely sure – she didn't say. But as a friend, I'd give her some space right now. If you care about her at all you'll respect her wishes."

He was stunned. He suspected as much, but that was just a theory. A theory can be proven wrong. But for Alya to affirm it as true was a bit of a shock. They had just been getting along so well!

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