Chapter 2

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"I swear because of you I'm going to end up in jail someday," Cara said out loud while hanging a black skin-tight dress over her body in front of the mirror.

"Don't worry, I'll be in the cell right next to ya," Kendall's voice came through the speaker of Cara's phone.

She picked up the phone showing Kendall the dress over Facetime.

"Too slutty?" she asked with a mischievous grin.

"Is there such a thing? I'm kidding, looks awesome. Plus, since it's sleeveless it'll show off that sexy tattoo you just got," she said sarcastically.

"Oh, shut it, will ya."

"Okay fine. Ooh! I got a choker that can go with that."

"Cool beans. Remember, pick me up until after 10. That's when my mom goes to bed." Cara thought of her mom making her favorite dish downstairs, lasagna with garlic bread. Little did she know Cara's night wouldn't end in just Italian deliciousness.

"It's your birthday and you're officially an adult now. I don't know why your mom can't let you have some fun."

"Because I'm all she's got and she wants to protect me," Cara said defensively.

She thought wistfully of her brother, Dalton, who passed away two summers ago when he was merely 8. The memory still stung like a fresh wound.

Kendall got quiet for a minute, which was unusual for her.

"Anyway," she quickly changed the subject. "I'll pick you up then.  Don't forget your fake."

After Kendall hung up Cara sprawled on her bed and stared at the ceiling. She wasn't the rebellious type—always doing chores without complaint, never partying. Not even a boyfriend. Cara's priority had always been looking after her mother. With Dalton gone and her dad leaving them before Dalton was even born, she had always felt like the adult instead of the kid. Well, at least her mom tried. Like making her dinner tonight.

Tonight, however, was going to be different. For the first time she would do something behind her mother's back. She never really had curfews put on her, or rules, because Cara didn't need any.

Cara sighed and heard her mom call her name.

"Dinner's ready, baby!"

"Coming, mom!"

She threw her dress inside her closet and jogged downstairs. There was nothing she loved more than food. 


Cara entered the kitchen to see her mom taking out the lasagna out of the oven.

"I got it mom."

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