Skibidi toilet belong to DaFuq?!Boom!
The skibidi toilets are almost taking over the city. We tried our best to get rid of them, but they are getting more powerful. We lost some of our crew as well. "We can't give up!" The camera man shouted. *BOOM* I look to my right side to see the tall building is collapsing. The other camera men and I started running to get away from the toilet. Some of the others are trying to slow down the skibidi toilets.
Time skip
We found a place to hide and catch our breath. I sat down on a nearby chair. "This is getting out of hand," the camera woman said panicking. The camera man went to comfort her. I felt tired and ended up passing out.
I woke up to the camera womans and camera mans on the ground, not moving. I was about to get up until something push me to the ground and holding me down. I look up to see the skibidi toilets looking at me with menacing smile. I struggle to get out of the hold. Then I felt something crawl on my back and to my neck. I struggle some more until I felt a bite on the back of my neck. Everything went black.
(Sorry if it's not that good)