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A/N: Please don't complain about character genders or the parentage. Mostly, I used the genders that are rarer (with the exception of a few such as Sagittarius and Gemini, as the two genders are mostly evenly spread with those two), and I used a wheel of names for either villain or hero, then I Googled what Disney villain/character is best for each zodiac.

Also, most of these parents aren't the original ones, like Snow White or Cinderella, cause I know that a lot of people will complain about their zodiac being a child of a "damsel in distress." The honor of being the children of those Disney princesses and those of some villains, such as Maleficent and Captain Hook, will go to some other characters I created.

(Also, for Cancer, you may feel that I should have just gone for male Cancer, but it was either her or Sagittarius as the female villain, because the wheel that I used made most of the heroes female and the villains male for some reason, and then I found some really good pictures of a male Cruella de Vil, and so I decided to make Sag male instead of Cancer, because initially, I wanted to make Sag a girl, but I don't think I found any really good pictures that actually describe her as well as the ones that I found. So yeah, that's why Cancer's female when she's mostly female as well.)

Aries Hua

Daughter of Mulan and Li Shang

Daughter of Mulan and Li Shang

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"Ugh, what an asshole

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"Ugh, what an asshole."

Age: 16

Aries is one feisty and fierce girl whom you do not want to mess with. Snarky and sassy, ​​she's also good with many weapons, which she learned to use thanks to her parents Mulan and Li Shang. She's also just a tad bossy, but that helps make her a much better leader. Mulan taught Aries to not listen to the other heroes, who told their children that, basically, villains were terrible and not to be trusted. Mulan, of all people, knew that you couldn't judge a person by anything - gender, race, sexuality, or anyone they were related to. Instead, Mulan taught her daughter to be kind to villains, but if they weren't kind back, Mulan told Aries that she didn't have to put on an act. Aries is Chinese, like her parents, with dark hair and eyes. 

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