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"Today's the day they choose the zodiacs, right?" Pisces asked, leaning back against the couch. The six villains (Gemini, Cancer, Virgo, Libra, Sagittarius, and Pisces) were all in the living room of Sagittarius's new house. His mother, Cruella de Vil, had apparently decided to move to this new spacious enough (at least for most villains; the heroes literally have bedrooms the size of most villain homes) house. 

"Mm-hmm. Why are you asking?" Cancer raised a single eyebrow at the son of the Evil Queen, who sighed.

"I just want to get out of that hellhole," he muttered quietly. "My mom is already preventing me from talking with any heroes, and she says that if I do become a zodiac, I can't be nice to any of the heroes. Or I just can't acknowledge them at all."

"I'm just glad my mom isn't as bad as yours,"  Sagittarius admitted. "When it comes to villain parents, I have to say that she's not the worse. Actually, she's probably one of best when it comes to our group."

"Got that right," Virgo agreed. "My dad ... do you know how many times he complains to me about Anna and Elsa and Scorpio? Like, only a hundred times every day."

"Oof," Gemini winced. "You really don't have any reason to hate your rival though. I heard that she's not too bad of a person. I, at least, have enough reasons to hate my rival."

"Got that right," Libra admitted. "But at least your dad is super cool, Gem. I heard that your rival keeps saying that heroes are better than villains."

Cancer scoffed. "As if! Some heroes are just as bad as some villains." She paused for a second, then added as an afterthought to Gemini, "Such as your rival."

"Right," Virgo agreed. "If I become a zodiac, and he's also a zodiac, I'm going straight to that Fairy Godmother to tell her to pick someone else, and I'm heading straight home."

"Agreed," Sag said.

"Not sure about that," Pisces muttered. Then, louder, he said, "By the way, when will the letters arrive?"

As if on cue, six letters suddenly appeared with six small pops in the air, falling to the ground already.

"All six of us?" Cancer muttered. "I didn't think that it'd be this ... I don't know, coincidental."

"Not sure if this is really a coincidence," Gemini muttered, getting up and grabbing the letters since he was closest. He kept the one with his name on it, then passed the rest to Sag, who was sitting right next to him. As Gemini opened his, Sag grabbed his own letter, then gave the stack to Virgo, and so on, until Cancer held the last letter with her name on it. 

"YES!" Pisces whisper-shouted, punching a fist through the air. "Thank all of the gods," he said under his breath. 

"You must be desperate to get out of there," Cancer laughed, tossing her mid-back length platinum silver hair over her shoulders. "Of course, I can't blame you though."

"Where's the mansion even at anyway?" Virgo asked.

"You know the pretty much invisible line separating the villains and heroes?" Gemini replied.

"How could I not?"

"It's near that border, just a bit closer to the heroes' side."

Virgo nodded in understanding. "Do our parents know where it is though?"

"There's Visiting Day, so I think they'd know. If they don't yet, they almost surely will later," Libra responded. 

"Well, I'm not telling my mom though," Pisces decided.

"Me neither," Cancer agreed.

"I'm probably gonna check to see if Scorpio's a zodiac," Virgo decided. "If she is, I am definitely not inviting Dad."

ℌ𝔞𝔭𝔭𝔦𝔩𝔶 𝔈𝔳𝔢𝔯 𝔄𝔣𝔱𝔢𝔯 ~ ⓏⓞⓓⓘⓐⓒⓢWhere stories live. Discover now