ℭ𝔥𝔞𝔭𝔱𝔢𝔯 7

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A small problem, Sagittarius had said. A small problem, my ass, Libra thought, utterly fed up with Sagittarius and his antics. Because apparently, somehow, the son of Cruella had managed to set the kitchen on fire. Within the first month. And the villain kids trusted someone like him to make food? 

The sad thing was that Sag was, unfortunately, their private chef. He could make an adequate meal - for six people. Apparently twelve was too much for him to handle, but he couldn't be bothered to mention anything until he had burned half of the kitchen down. Well, maybe that was an exaggeration... but still! The point still stands. 

So now the kitchen was burning down, and no one could find a fire extinguisher - if there even was one in the mansion. If there wasn't, that was the first thing Libra was planning to mention when the Fairy Godmother came back to check in: "So, here's the thing. You told us not to set things on fire, but if it still happened for some reason... so why isn't there a fire extinguisher in this place?" 

Yeah, that's perfect. A great conversation, that'll be. 

But back to the present. Anyways, the fire was still there, and everyone was running around, freaking out. And a fire extinguisher still wasn't present at the scene.

Where were firefighters when you needed them? And why the heck were they stranded in the middle of nowhere? And also, if Scorpio could control ice, couldn't she control water? And-

Hold up. If Scorpio could control ice, she could control water... right? 

"Scorpio?" Libra gestured towards the utterly nonchalant daughter of Elsa, joining her on her couch. "Um, you can put out the fire, right?"

"Yeah," Scorpio shrugged. "This is kind of funny to watch though."

"Well, yeah, but can you, like, stop the fire?"

Her eyebrow rose. "Now?"


She rolled her eyes. "Fine. Whatever." She raised her hands, pointing it towards the general direction of the fire, and thankfully, there were no beings near it. Ice shot out of her fingers, wrapping around the fire and turning into water at the last second, quenching the fire immediately. Then, turning to Libra, she questioned, "Happy?"

"Sure. Thanks."

She merely nodded in response.

Leo accusingly glared at Scorpio, half playfully, half seriously. "So you could have stopped it all this time, and you didn't?"

Scorpio shrugged. "You guys were freaking out. It was funny."

"Us... freaking out is funny?" Aries asked, an eyebrow raised.

"Well, yeah."

"She ain't wrong," Virgo commented, plopping down on the sofa again.

Libra shot him a glare before turning to Sag. "So... our lunch?"

Sagittarius stared at him before exclaiming, "Um, in case you missed it, the HOUSE ALMOST BURNED DOWN, and you're still worried about lunch?"

"It's food," Gemini said like it was obvious. "Duh."

"Yeah, I want my food," Aquarius chimed in, before everyone else murmured their agreement.

Sag continued to stare for a second before sighing. "Fine. Who's helping? Ignored the burnt kitchen."

Pisces rolled his eyes, muttering, "Can't do anything right yourself." before saying in a normal volume, "I'll help, I guess."

"I can help set the table," Cancer said. 

"Yeah, Capricorn and I will help with setting the table too," Taurus said, with Capricorn nodding in agreement.

During lunch...

Virgo's prank worked perfectly this time. Though Virgo, Taurus, and Sagittarius knew not to eat the food Pisces and Sagittarius had worked hard to concoct, the others immediately gorged themselves. Well, except for the ever-observant Libra, Scorpio, and Gemini, who both knew what the three were like and were suspicious that they didn't immediately feast on the food.

Everyone except for the six, who had headed off to get a snack, was gagging by the end of lunch. Thanks to Virgo's dramatic reveal that the prank was his doing, many were already looking forward to revenge. Great. Mission Prank Wars successful. Thank goodness.

After lunch, everyone, barring Scorpio and Taurus, set off to find the last item. Scorpio and Taurus set off to cause even more of a mess to the house. (A/N: poor house)

Of course, no one else found the totally existing last item - the red key chain, and it would no doubt stay that way too. But, of course, they could waste the rest of their day searching for a nonexistent item, and Virgo and Sagittarius would both be completely alright with it.

Virgo plopped down on his sofa again, finally not in contact with his phone for once the whole day. Sagittarius looked over with a raised eyebrow, completely surprised that Virgo wasn't on his phone.

"What, you got bored of your phone? Finally?" Sagittarius asked jokingly.

Virgo made a face at him. "No, it's just... well, maybe. But whatever." He changed the subject, however, and questioned, "Well, how long do you think that'll keep them busy for?"

Sagittarius shrugged. "Scorpio and Taurus are busy... causing chaos. Maybe some others after that little prank. But the people who are looking for it... I'm not sure. If they're really dedicated, maybe they won't give up until the end of the day, but that's only some of them. Because I know for sure that Libra would never waste his time doing something like that. Same with Pisces, but it also depends on who they were stuck with. Because I may have forgotten."

Virgo gave him a look of exasperation. "Uh, maybe look at the box labels?"

Sagittarius, finally tired of standing, settled down on the sofa next to Virgo. "Nah, I'm too lazy."

"We know," Virgo grumbled. "Pisces is with... Aquarius, I think. And the two Ls are together. That's an L." (yeah i'm not even going to try to explain his thought process)

Sagittarius paused for a moment, bemused. "What?"

"You know... the mom and the uncle are together? And they're boths Ls?"

Sagittarius rolled his eyes. "Okay, Virgo. Whatever you say."

"Yeah, whatever I say. 'Cause I'm always right."



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⏰ Last updated: May 04 ⏰

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ℌ𝔞𝔭𝔭𝔦𝔩𝔶 𝔈𝔳𝔢𝔯 𝔄𝔣𝔱𝔢𝔯 ~ ⓏⓞⓓⓘⓐⓒⓢWhere stories live. Discover now