Chapter 7

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Elec was tossing and turning as he cried out, "Mami, please. No! Wake up! Wake up!" His breathing was erratic, and all of his bedding had fallen on the floor.

"Pleeeeease," he screamed.

My heart was pounding as I shook him. "Elec! Elec. It's just a dream."

Still in a state of semi-sleep, he gripped and squeezed my arm so hard that it hurt. When his eyes flew open, he still seemed to be in a haze. Beads of sweat glistened on his forehead. He sat up and looked at me in shock as if he didn't know where he was.

"It's Greta. You were having a nightmare. I heard you yelling and thought something was wrong. It's okay. You're okay."

His breathing was still intense and slowly regulated. When his grip loosened on my arm, clarity returned to his eyes.

He let go of me. "This is the second time I've caught you in my room when I've been in a state of semi-consciousness. How do I know you're not just hanging out here doing things to me while I'm sleeping?"

Are you kidding me?

I'd had enough of his shit.

Maybe it was the fact that I was wired from no sleep or maybe it was because I'd just hit my limit with all of his jabs, but instead of responding, I pushed him with all my might. It may have been a juvenile thing, but I'd been dying to do it, and this moment seemed to be the straw that broke the camel's back.

He laughed heartily which pissed me off even more. "Well, it's about damn time."

"Excuse me?"

"I've been waiting for you to lose it on me."

"You think it's funny that you've caused me to resort to that?"

"No, I think you're really funny. Nothing has ever given me more amusement than busting your chops."

"Well, great. Glad I could do that for you."

Fuck. Tears were forming in my eyes.

This could not be happening.

It was almost that time of the month, and there was nothing I could do to control these emotions. I tried to cover my face but knew he had seen the first teardrop fall.

Elec's smile faded. "What the fuck?"

I needed to just leave. There was no way to explain my asinine reaction to him if I didn't even understand it myself.

I turned around and left, slamming my bedroom door behind me. I climbed into bed, pulled my blanket over my head and shut my eyes even though sleep surely would be impossible.

My door slowly creaked open, and the lamp was turned on.

"Peace offering?" I heard Elec say.

When I turned around, to my mortification, he was standing there with a dick in his hands. Not any dick. My dick. My vibrator. My purple life-sized rubber penis.

Elec waved it. "Nothing says I'm sorry like a dick and a smile."

I turned back around and hid under the blanket.

"Come on. Were you seriously crying in there?"

The room was silent as I stayed under the covers. I assumed he'd just leave if I ignored him. I knew I was wrong when I heard a click and a buzzing sound then felt the weight of him on my bed.

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