Chapter 11

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The fact that it felt empty when he'd only gotten up to go the bathroom was not a good sign about how tomorrow would feel. His leaving was only a few hours away, and I was already craving the return of his smell and his touch in the two minutes he was gone.

It was convenient to have a small half-bathroom off of my room since he might have woken up Randy and my mother if he had to go down the hall. He returned with a small washcloth and lay back down next to me.

"Open your legs." He placed it between them and held it there. "Does that feel good?"

"Yeah, it does. Thanks."

I really wasn't in that much pain, but the warmth of the cloth was soothing.

"Does it hurt?"

"No. It's really not bad at all. I'd be okay to try it again."

"We will. I want you to rest up a little first."

The room was dark except for the light coming from the bathroom. Over the next hour, he got up a few times to replace the cloth with a warmer one. He'd just lie next to me, holding it between my legs. We were both still completely naked, and it surprised me that it no longer phased me because he'd made me feel completely comfortable in my own skin. I almost wished he wasn't being so caring and sweet toward me.

We talked a lot in that hour: about his writing, about my pondering becoming a teacher, about our plans for next year. He would be attending a community college near his house in Sunnyvale. He'd live at home to keep an eye on Pilar and planned to get a job on the side.

Elec would talk about anything openly, except the subject of his history with Randy. That was still off-limits the one time I tried to bring it up.

The red digital numbers of the alarm clock taunted me. It was now three-am. My heart was starting to palpitate, and I felt almost panicky. There wasn't much time left. He must have read my mind because he'd suddenly turned me onto my back so that he was leaning over me.

"Don't go there," he said over my lips.


"Wherever your mind is right now."

"It's hard not to."

"I know. What can I do to make it better?"

"Make me forget."

He stared at me long and hard before I felt his hand wrap gently around my neck.

That seemed to be his thing. I loved it.

"I know you said it before. But do you really want me to show you how I do it?"


"You don't want me to hold anything back?"

"Don't go easy on me this time, Elec. Please."

He looked at me for what seemed like a full minute then said, "Turn around."

Just that command alone had caused wetness to build between my legs.

It gave me chills when I felt his strong hand slide down the length of my back. Then, with both hands, he firmly squeezed the cheeks of my ass before lowering his mouth and biting it gently...and then again and again.

He whispered against my skin. "I love your ass." His words caused my muscles to tighten in anticipation.

I let out a deep sigh when his hot mouth landed between my legs from behind me. The sensation of his going down on me from that angle was almost too much to handle. I was throbbing as he licked and sucked harder as if I were his last meal. The sounds he was making were driving me crazy.

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