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A/N: Hi. So I probably forgot to add some people to the cast list, but if I say they're there, then they're there. Okay? Cool, great.

Episode 1; Pilot Part One

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Episode 1; Pilot Part One

The screen, which had started as an almost translucent film, quickly started to form pictures. The Purebloods around the hall watched the screen with curiosity, having never seen anything like it before.

Crickets chirp as the subtitle LAWRENCE, KANSAS 22 YEARS AGO popped up on screen.

The camera panned over a dark sky, barely lit by the moon and through a tree bare of leaves, till a white house with a stone chimney and blue shutters appeared. Lights were on inside the house. Eerie music plays.

"Come on, let's say goodnight to your brother."

A blonde woman walks through the dark into an open doorway, a young boy maybe 4 years old on her hip.

She reached over and flicked the switch, lighting up the room.
Her face was shown for the first time. Youthful appearance, the young woman was quite beautiful. Blonde hair that fell in curls down her back to just between her shoulder blades. Green eyes and full lips. Dressed in a white nightgown with lace decals.

"She's pretty," somebody in the crowd said. There were murmurs of agreement throughout the hall.

The camera pans around the room until it lands on a crib. Inside, lay a small figure. A baby, swaddled in a blue blanket.

"Aww," Rebekah smiled bittersweetly at the scene. This was her dream. To have a family. Babies to adore and a husband to come home to that would cherish her forever. Elijah, who was sitting next to her, reached out and wrapped his hand around her own in comfort.

Mary put the young boy down on his feet. He stepped toward the crib and pushed his feet up onto the bottom that was full of diapers and baby powder for leverage. "Good night, Sam." And he leaned over and gave baby Sam a kiss on the forehead.

"I don't understand." Ron Weasley said as he turned towards his friends and family surrounding him. "Why are we watching this? What does it have to do with the end of the world?"

"Let's just keep watching. Maybe it'll show us soon. Hopefully," Lily Potter said, mumbling the last part under her breath at her husband. He nodded in accordance

The blonde woman placed a gentle hand on the back of the young boy to steady him as she too leaned over the crib to kiss baby Sam.

"Good night, love." She sang softly.

Offscreen, a man's voice is heard. "Hey, Dean."

The camera turns and shows a young man with olive skin, black hair, and dark brown eyes wearing a shirt that said USMC. The man smiled wide as the young boy, now known as Dean, turned to him.

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