Chapter Two: Dying and coming back

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Castiel really did help Samandriel go through his newfound feelings. He showed him a few books about relationships and love and he explained to him what to do if he ever wants to meet Adam.

Samandriel wasn't even sure if he ever wanted to actually meet Adam. The thought scared him. He didn't want to ruin anything by showing him that angels and demons are real and that one turns out to actually be in love with him. It'll all be too much for a human. Even one this special.

"I don't think that it's a good idea to ever meet him, Castiel."

"I think the same, as well. I just you to be happy."

"I'm happy just protecting him. You helped a lot though. You're the best." Samandriel smiled.

"Thank you." Castiel grinned back "See you another time, Samandriel." He then dissapeared.

That was the last conversation Samandriel had about Adam for a while. He just continued on with his work in heaven and watching over Adam, who was having a normal life with his mother. It wasn't until about a year later when everything went wrong.

Adam was going on a great streak of nothing bad happening to him. He was going to college in Wisconsin, majoring in biology. It was all perfectly fine until one day after returning home to be with his mother for a weekend, he and his mother were killed. By ghouls.

Samandriel didn't know what to do after he heard screaming from the globe on his desk and found that Adam was already dead. The one he was supposed to protect and potentially loved. He was dead. And his mother was just about to. And he couldn't do anything about it.

He went as fast as he could to Castiel, feeling tears running down his vessel's cheeks. "Castiel!" He yelled desperately.

"Yes? What's wrong?" He asked the frantic younger angel, setting his hand on his shoulder.

"A-Adam. He's dead. I couldn't protect him, Castiel. I failed him and father!"

"What? Adam Winchester is dead? Don't worry, I'll talk to father. Will you he okay?"

"Y-Yes. Of course. Just, please hurry."

"I will." The angel disappeared, leaving Samandriel to break down and cry alone. He was an angel. He's never cried before. He wasn't supposed to. He was different than the others. He always was.

Losing Adam was horrible. And being helpless in the matter was even worse. He couldn't go back to revive him or anything. Father told Castiel to tell him that everything will work out on it's own and that he planned this to help later on. Well he did before he disappeared.

He disappeared without a trace to who knows where, leaving Samandriel's brothers and sisters hopeless. It started chaos in heaven. The Winchester brothers didn't help either. They made everything in heaven, hell, and Earth chaos. But, Castiel finally went to Earth to help them.

Soon after Adam died and God left heaven, the apocalypse started, just when Samandriel was beginning to cope with Adam being gone. Samandriel's eldest brother, Lucifer, left hell and went to Earth to start the apocalypse. Earth practically turned into a second hell and Samandriel couldn't do anything but sit back and watch. He wasn't strong enough to go against anything if his brother Lucifer.

One day he was talking to a group of other angels, learning about what was happening recently when Castiel popped in frantically. "Samandriel! I need your help!"

"Castiel? What are you doing? What's wrong?"

"Adam. Michael and Zechariah are using him for Michael's alternate vessel instead of Dean. We need to stop them now!" The news made Samandriel freeze for a moment. They were resurrecting him? For Michael and Lucifer's battle? No. That can't happen.

"How do I help in any of this?"

"You know him more than anyone else. You can help when he take him before the other's get to him. Can you help or not?" Castiel was in a huge rush.

"Yes. Let's go." Samandriel had to take form of another vessel. He chose a blonde teenager that was a pastor's son. He wasn't going to be in this one very long. He and Castiel went to where Adam was buried, making sure none if their brothers or sisters were around.

"He's coming back. And I'll try to help make sure he doesn't say yes to being Michael's vessel." Castiel tried to comfort his younger brother.

"I know... Thank you, Castiel. I'll he fine." Samandriel true to smile but couldn't. He was too nervous to do anything but worry about meeting Adam and if Adam was going to become the vessel to be tortured by his brothers.

In the middle of Samandriel's worrying, a hand popped up, out of the ground in front of them, followed along by the top half of Adam Milligan who took a deep breath in, panting for air.

Samandriel reached for him along, with Castiel, and helped pull him out of the ground. He was barely able to speak at first. The two angels sat him down on the ground and healed up his scars.

"What's going on? Where am I?"

"You're back on Earth. You were in heaven but now you're back. We are angels, I am Castiel and this is Samandriel."

"O-Oh... well... I uh... what?" Adam was still confused. He was barely conscious.

"You'll get explained to later. Come on, let's get you to Bobby's." Samandriel picked up the now fully unconscious man, now 20 years old, and smiled at the feeling of him in his arms. He really has fallen in love with him, hasn't he?

"You're doing good. Let's go." The angels disappeared and ended up in Bobby's house, laying Adam down on a bed.

"I-I'm going to go. I don't think I'm ready to meet the Winchesters yet. Just get him help." Samandriel took one last long look at the mud covers man he loves and took in a deep breath before leaving and returning his vessel back, going back into heaven.

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