..:: Twenty-Five ::..

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Evening came far too quickly for the lovers. Together they sat at the table eating the dinner of which Michael promised in the beginning. Candle light flickering about and casting mysterious shadows about the dining area.

Both were deeply saddened at the fact Sarah had to return home to go back to work tomorrow.

Michael had a hint of sadness within his chocolate gaze, shifting his gaze to look at the nearly finished plate of food.

"Time went by way too fast," he sighed, leaning back. "I hope you had a great time, either way."

Sarah blinked back a stray tear with a sigh, pushing her plate aside. Truth be told, she didn't want the weekend to ever end. It would take everything in her to return to a normal routine. It would take a miracle to sleep without Michael at her side, that much she was certain.

Her eyes glimmered softly as she kept her eyes upon her hands, taking note of their trembling.

"Hey, what's wrong?" Michael asked, taking hold of her hands.

Slowly lifting her gaze Sarah met his with a trembling sigh. Oh, what she would give to remain here just one more day. But life was calling her back, as she still had to finish up with their interview before sending it off for publishing.

"I don't wanna leave you, Michael," she whispered. "I-I–"

"Then stay," Michael pleaded. "What's one more night?"

"I have a job, and that interview to get published."

Michael released a pained sigh. Truthfully he was afraid to see her walk out that door, and ride back home to her daily living. All with a risk of not seeing her anytime soon. His natural insecurities were steadily climbing to the surface at a rate which was hard to control.

"Call off for the day," Again Michael pleaded.

"I can't…"

With a slow and sad nod, Michael stood to reach for the phone, calling up Bill to assist with taking Sarah back home. "Hey Bill? Can you help me get Miss Underwood back home? Mhmm, see you shortly."

Slowly setting the phone back upon its cradle, he let out a slow and ragged breath. Unable to meet Sarah's gaze, he moved to the large windows adjoining the dining area and into the main foyer. Leaning against the window, Michael closed his eyes, struggling with the tears which were threatening to fall.

"Michael?" Sarah questioned. "Are you ok?"

"I don't wanna ever leave you. I-I'm scared, Sarah."

She caught on quickly. Michael was scared of losing her. And truth be told, she was also afraid to not see him again. Her arms wrapped around him from behind, placing kisses upon his shoulder. His body trembled under her touch, reaching to grasp her hand, lacing their fingers together.

Silence fell over them, soon walking out to meet Bill. Michael opened the door and made sure she was seated comfortably.

The ride was quiet, almost uncomfortably so.

Sarah gazed down at their entwined hands, struggling to hold back the tears. Neither of them had words, as none could be expressed. Aside from the fear of not seeing each other again.

The apartment building came into view, the car idling and waiting for when they were ready to part ways.

Michael's eyes were closed tight, quickly wrapping Sarah into his embrace. She leaned into him, sobbing openly against his shoulder. His hand cupped her cheek as he claimed her lips in a deep and breathtaking kiss. As if his life depended upon it, he took the softness of her lips to memory, praying it was not their last.

Slowly pulling back Sarah is met with Michael's now misty brown orbs, framing his face with trembling hands. Again words escaped her, unable to speak.

As she reached to open the door, Sarah looked back to find Michael struggling to hold his composure, taking rapid breaths of air to steady himself.

"Wait," Michael grasped her hand, fingers wrapped about Sarah's wrist. "Let me walk you, it's too dark to go alone."

"No, someone will see you–"

"I don't care. I'm a gentleman, and I will take care of my lady." Michael replied in a firm yet gentle tone.

Luckily this time of night most of the tenants are either asleep or working the late shift elsewhere. All was quiet, save for the occasional chirp of crickets nearby. Michael kept their hands entwined, unable to let go.

Upon reaching the door, Sarah reached for the keys, unlocking and stepping inside. It was small enough just for her, and Michael's heart ached, no one should have to live alone, and he knew from experience.

"Can I see you again?"

"Of course," Michael whispered, tucking a stray lock of hair behind Sarah's ear. "You're my lady, I'm not letting you go. Not now, and certainly not ever."

Sarah wept once more, bottom lip trembling against the waves of tears escaping her eyes. She again couldn't believe this perfect weekend was coming to a close. It had been taken straight from a dream, a dream she's had for years. And to somehow become attached to Michael in ways she never dreamt, caused her heart to silently break.

With a sigh, Michael kissed her softly, tenderly, reassuringly. "I love you, baby girl. I'm not gonna give up on us, I swear on my life."

Fingertips part at an agonizingly slow pace, as time slows to a heartbreaking crawl. Michael turned to walk away, a soft sob passing his lips.

His slender form steadily walked away, leaving Sarah in a deep state of heartache. Hands wringing together with uncertainty, she breaks into a run back down the hallway.


Michael immediately turned and caught her within his arms, lips automatically latching to hers in a searing kiss, pulling her fully and completely against him.

"I love you, I love you, I love you!" Sarah whispered, "I love you so much!"

"And I will always love you more, Sarah." Michael whispered, "Call me if you need me. I don't care what time or what day, I will always come to you."

Within moments, he was back in the car, as it slowly drove off into the still of the night.

Sarah slid to her knees, sobbing into her hands at the loss of his comforting presence– his warmth, his touch, his love.


As the car drove off, Michael was openly weeping as well, tears cascading down his cheeks. God, what he would give to be able to make this public, but it was for the best, as to keep her safe. He would not let her fall to the same fate, to suffer in silence as the media rips him apart.

And that he would never allow to happen.

Not now. Not ever.


"You ok, Mike?" Came Bill's concerned tone.

"I don't know, I honestly don't know, Bill."

Bill sighed, "I know you're in love with her. You truly picked a good one, son."

Michael swallowed hard. "You think so?"

"I know so. If anyone deserves love, it's you," Bill assured. "You deserve it more than anyone else I know."

"Thank you," Michael managed a smile. "I just hope it works out."

Again, Bill smiled at him in the rear view mirror. "It will, keep the faith, Mike."

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