Left in the cold

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Today is the City Festival, and lights and festoons are everywhere, adding a touch of life to the normally cold Layton family.

Suddenly, a scream pierced the night.


With the sound of bang bang bang, a pregnant woman rolled down the stairs!

Everyone exclaimed and hurriedly surrounded him.

John, the president of the Layton family, asked anxiously: "Aillee, how are you?"

The woman's eyes were fixed between her legs, her face was pale, and she said in horror, "John, it hurts... our baby... help me!" Our baby!"

The old lady of the family was flustered, and asked repeatedly: "What's going on!?"

Aillee looked up the stairs with tears in her heart.

Everyone looked up and saw a little girl about three and a half years old standing on the top of the stairs. Seeing everyone's eyes, she couldn't help hugging the little teddy in her arms.

Her grandfather was furious, "Did you push Aillee?!"

The little girl pursed her lips: "It's not me, I didn't..."

Aillee cried and persuaded: "No... Dad, don't blame Sofie, She doesn't understand anything at such a young age, she didn't do it on purpose..."

This sentence directly confirmed Sofie's 'crime'.

John's eyes were gloomy, and he said directly without asking, "Come on, lock her up in the small attic for me, I'll take care of her when I come back!" Everyone hurriedly sent Aillee to the hospital.

Little Sofia was dragged upstairs and lost one of her shoes, but her little face was full of stubbornness, neither begging for mercy nor crying.

There is no light or heating in the small attic, it is dark and cold, and the windows slammed as if a monster would jump out at any moment...

She hugged the little teddy in her arms and curled up in the corner.

It's so cold...

but she really didn't push anyone, why no one believed her.

It is said that it is not cold in the attic but the wind and snow outside were blowing, and it got in through the gaps in the window, layer by layer on Sofie's body.

Soon the day and night passed.

No one paid attention to the child all day and night, and no one knew that she was punished by her stepmother the day before, and she didn't eat a bite of food, and she was already in a trance.

John threatened that if she did not admit her mistake, she would not be allowed to come out!


Sofie's lips were purple from the cold, trembling uncontrollably, she could only close her eyes and mutter: "Mom...Sofie is right, I didn't push anyone..."

She knew that her mother died of illness a year ago.

After her mother died, her father found another, and soon the new wife had a baby in her belly...

This woman has two faces, she treats her well when there are others, but when no one is around, she becomes like a demon.

"Mom..." Sofia thought, grabbed the teddy's ears tightly, and passed out.

After an unknown amount of time, the door slammed open.

With a look of anger on his face, John grabbed the unconscious child, dragged her down the stairs, and threw her into the snow outside!

Sofia shivered from the cold and opened her eyes with difficulty...

"Father... I'm hungry..." she said instinctively.

Her father sneered and said, "You killed your younger brother, and you still have the face to say you're hungry! How could I have such a vicious daughter like you!" 

The frozen child looked with her innocent eyes. 

The more John saw her like this, the more annoyed he became. She acted stubbornly after doing something wrong, who was she showing it to?

Such a vicious mind at such a young age!

If I don't teach you a lesson today, I won't be your father!" After finishing speaking, he looked around, grabbed a broom in the corner, and stepped on it. Broke the broom head.

The two-finger-thick stick fell on Sofia with a bang, and she screamed in pain!

"Do you admit your mistake?!" John's eyes were vicious.

"It's not me, really...it's not me!" Sofia bit her lip, her face full of stubbornness.

The father was even angrier when he heard it: "Is it you or she who is lying?! She is six months pregnant, what good would it do if she fell!" He couldn't help but think of the scene in the hospital where Aillee was bleeding profusely and the doctor gave her a sedative. She was critically ill twice, but when she was almost dying, she still told him not to blame Sofia!

Said that the child is so young, it is very pitiful to have no mother, and she is afraid that she will not be loved after her younger brother is born, so she didn't push her on purpose.

The more John thought about it, the angrier he became. He beat and scolded: "Still denying! Still denying!"

Every time he said a word, the stick fell on Sofia once.

He beat so hard that he didn't even know that his phone fell out. He didn't stop until Sofia was beaten and paralyzed in the snow.

"You just kneel here! Until your aunt was discharged from the hospital is when will you get up again!"

He tugged on his tie, dropped his stick, and left.

He has been irritated enough lately, the company has a big problem, and he has been begging for help for half a month, but he hasn't even seen anyone.

Today, Aillee fell down the stairs, with his six-month-old son and had a miscarriage, and the only heir that the Layton family hoped for was gone.

How could he not be annoyed that two disasters in a row made him burnt out? All he could do was take it out on Sofia.

Sofias's teddy had been smashed to pieces long ago, she struggled to get up, but she fell flat on the snow with a slap...

She felt that she might die.

Can I see my mother after I die?

At this time, an indistinct voice sounded in hers ear:

[Sofie, call your uncle quickly! ]

[Your uncle's name is Thomas Simmons, and his phone number is 159xxxxx...]

"Calling..." Sofia opened her eyes and saw a black mobile phone in the snow. Her survival instinct made her desperately crawl over it.


She was trembling, her stiff fingers kept moving, and she didn't know how long it took her to dial the phone...

At the same time.

In an old courtyard house in San Diego.

Mr. Simmons is lecturing:

"One year has passed again, Thomas, do you think you can pass the chief physician exam this year!?"

 The eight brothers of the Simmons listened and keep silent, and Benedict touched his nose.

Suddenly the old man changed the subject and asked abruptly:

"Also, after searching for four years, haven't you found your sister?"

The expressions of the eight brothers changed, and they all pursed their lips and fell silent. There was a trace of sadness on the faces of the few brothers who came out.

Their younger sister, Angela, was diagnosed with promyelocytic leukemia when she was a child. She received blood transfusions, anti-infection, and bone marrow replacement... The family has carefully cared for her for twenty years. Seeing that her condition is getting worse, it has even affected her brain and memory...

Four years after that, she suddenly disappeared.

Thomas is the attending physician at the Provincial Cancer Hospital, and he is in charge of Angela's treatment.

He was going to rescue a critically ill patient that day, and just that one time... Angela got lost.

For the past four years, he has been tormented by self-blame and remorse, but he's an unparalleled medical talent and has been unable to make any progress in these four years.

Of the eight sons of the Simmons family, Angela was the only daughter.

After her daughter disappeared, Mrs. Simmons fell ill all of a sudden, and Mr. Simmons's temper became more and more weird.

Everyone in the family felt like a huge rock was pressing down on them, making them unable to breathe.

Benedict, the eldest, the head of the family's business empire, works overtime, day and night, his health is getting worse and worse, and he needs to take medicine every day.

Aeron, the second son, and the most outstanding captain of Simex Airlines, has been resting at home for four years because he failed the psychological examination.

The study fell into silence.

At this time, Thomas's cell phone rang suddenly!

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