Grandma came back

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Sofia silently took back the painting in her hand.

Mr. Simmons suppressed his anger and said, "Lily, your sister gave you a gift to be friends with you. It's wrong for you to push people away."

He looked at the broken doll on the ground and couldn't help frowning.

The second child is very spoiled, and she will cry every time you say something harsh.

Sure enough, Lily burst into tears immediately, stomping her feet and shouting: "I don't want it!"

Sofia mustered up the courage and handed the painting to Lily: "Sister, don't cry, this is a gift from me..."

Lily Looking at the painting in her hand, she pushed her away: "Whoever wants your crap, go away!"

Mark's wife Winnie heard the commotion, and quickly said: "Lily, don't lose your temper!"

Said then turned to Mr. Simmons: "Dad, Lilyis still young..."

Mr. Simmons reprimanded: "You have to teach her while she is young. I have said this more than once. How do you teach children? She is so arrogant at such a young age. How could she survive in society when she grow up?"

Winnie bowed her head, "I know Dad."

Old Mr. Simmons angrily led Sofia away.

Seeing her grandfather ignoring her and walking away, Lily cried even harder, ran into her room and dropped everything on the table.

Winnie felt very uncomfortable in her heart, feeling that the old man spoke too harshly.

She can teach her own child, so why should others dictate?

Even if this is the grandpa of the child, it's not right!

Although her in-laws are good enough and respect her very much, they hardly interfere with her housework.

But she is usually very filial to them, serving tea and pouring water, and spending time buying gifts for them during the holidays. There should be no better daughter-in-law than her, right?

She just insisted on the issue of children, boys are to be disciplined and girls are to be pampered, so what is wrong with her concept.

Lily is the young daughter of the family, and she can live well even without working in the future. Why would she want to survive in society at such a young age? Wouldn't it be better to live a happy life if she can?

Winnie walked into the room, and coaxed Lily in a good voice: "Okay baby, don't cry..."

Lily cried even more vigorously: "I won't! I won't!"

Winnie: " Okay, Okay..."


Grandpa Bien took Sofia back to her room, and when the parrot saw Sofia coming back, it fluttered its wings and wanted to fly over, but was held back by the ankle chain.

Sofia comforted: "Little Ollie, be a good boy, I will let you out when uncle makes a good room for you."

Since Sofia's room was furnished when she was hospitalized, the uncles didn't know that she still had a pet. Parrot.

There are no specially furnished houses, and many things are fatal to parrots. For example, Ollie is used to being in the wild, and if he is kept in the house, he will hit the glass.

So he is temporarily tied to Sofia's room, and he will be released after it gets used to it.

Seeing Little Sofia comforting the parrot in a low voice, old Grandpa Bien felt very distressed.

The little girl  must be very sad.

"Sofie, your sister is always like this, she has a bad temper, don't be sad..."

Unexpectedly, Sofia smiled and said, "It's okay, Grandpa."

Seeing the complex expression of old man, Sofia comforted in turn: "It really doesn't matter, grandpa, I also doesn't like to give my things to others."

Sofia doesn't know why the adults insist on being courteous to their children. Maybe the adults think it's polite, but their children don't think so. .

What is your own is your own, why should you give others what you like in order to appear polite?

Grandpa Bien was taken aback.

Sofia is so young, but she seems to know everything...

He felt even more sad, he touched her head with a gentle expression, and said, "Sofie, are you the one who drew these paintings?"

When it comes to painting, Sofia's small face immediately became focused, nodded and said: "Yeah, I like to draw. I used to draw a lot of paintings at my father's house."

But many of them were torn off by my aunt, and some she hid in the book and forgot to take it when she left...

Mr. Simmons pointed to one of the paintings: "What is this?"

Sofia turned into a little explainer, happily introduce her work: "This is two children going to play in the strange forest."

"Look, grandpa, there is a flower vine here! This is a necklace made by Miss Ruby." "Uncle

Stone broke in two when he rolled down the mountain. But there is a clover growing in the crack, it's Uncle Lucky!" "

Look at this lady Jade, she raised her chin and said 'huh, none of you are as beautiful as me', she is a very proud lady Jade! "

Following Sofia's introduction, Ollie became quiet, turning his head to glance at Sofia's paintings from time to time.

Grandpa Bien was surprised to find that she seemed to be in the animation world of Hayao Miyazaki.

Sofia's paintings are brightly colored, every flower and every stone has their life, and people's hearts can't help but calm down when looking at them, warm and healing... He couldn't help but take pictures of Sofia's works, After thinking about it, he sent it to an old friend.

That old friend is a veteran figure in the field of painting. What old Grandpa Bien thought was that Sofia likes to paint, and see if he can catch the other party's eyes, so that the other party can accept her as his apprentice.

When the grandfather and granddaughter were looking at the paintings happily, there was movement downstairs, and the servant came up and said, "Sir, the old lady is back." Mr. Simmons took Sofia by the hand and said, "Let's go, grandma is back "

Downstairs, Mark was pushing a wheelchair, and Mrs. Simmons, who was sitting in the wheelchair, said in a trembling voice: "Where is Sofia..."

After she finished speaking, she looked up, and saw a beautiful little girl being led by her husband to come down the stairs.

Mrs. Simmons seemed to be choked by someone for a moment, she could not utter a single sound, but her eyes were full of tears, and she couldn't help crying silently.

This is Angela's child...

She looks exactly the same as her when she was a child...

But her Angela will never come back.

"Sofie..." Mrs. Simmons choked on her sobs.

Sofia broke free from Mr. Simmons's hand, ran to Mrs. Simmons and shouted: "Grandma!"

She hesitated for a moment, then stretched out her small hand, and firmly held grandma's hand.

She promised her mother that she would take good care of her grandmother and be filial to her.

So she will definitely do well!

Mrs. Simmons hugged Sofia in her arms in tears when she heard grandma's voice!

"Sofia, grandma's little angel...!"

The old woman cried so hard, Sofia didn't know how to comfort grandma, so she stretched out her hand and gently patted Mrs. Simmons's back:

"Don't cry, don't cry, grandma is good, don't cry Cry!"


Winnie coaxed left and right, and finally convinced Lily to leave the door, but she saw Mrs. Simmons and Sofia who were huddled downstairs.

Grandpa Bien said in a low voice, 'Okay, don't cry', Mark bustled silently, taking paper towels and serving water.

Lily hugged the doll and got angry again.

Why did her grandma turn into a nasty grandma?

The idiot snatched her toys, and even her grandparents!

Lily lost her temper, turned her head and ran upstairs, but passed by Sofia's room, and heard a rattling sound.

"Poor haha, haha! Harry Potter is riding a broomstick quacking!"

Lily was attracted for a moment, and pushed open the door of Sofia's room, only to see a green bird standing on a shelf.

Her eyes lit up and she ran in immediately!

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