My Sister ruined my dress

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Winnie looked at Sofia, feeling very unstable in her heart.

She had only seen such a beautiful dress in her life, and she was completely amazed just now!

Such a dress should be worn by her precious little princess... They really don't love Lily anymore.

Winnie said silently: "Lily, be good. Mom will buy it for you later."

Lily cried, "No! I want that one!"

Winnie's mom  just got out and saw that beautiful dress that glowed. She regained her composure and fanned the flames: "Hey, is that dress a limited edition for gyfy? It's the only one made in the city. Alas, if it wasn't for her, this dress would have been made for Lily!" Winnie wanted to say what, but after thinking about it, it is indeed so!

The Simmons originally only had Lily as their little princess.

If it wasn't for Sofia's arrival, all the good things in the world would belong to her baby.

What now?

Their eyes were fixed on Sofia, and their hearts were all on fortune.

Lily was ignored by them!

Winnie just felt too sad, as if the entire  family owed her and Lily.

But they completely ignored that when Sofia's dresses were delivered, the  Simmons also bought a batch of princess dresses for Lily.

"Sofia has starry sky skirts, and Lily also has them. Although the styles are slightly different, the prices are not much different."

Hearing these words, Lily cried even more, Winnie wanted to take her back to the room temporarily, but Lily rushed downstairs.

"Lily!" Winnie anxiously chased after her.


In the garden.

Sofia was sitting in front of the small table, eating cake with some children.

A little boy sat abruptly among a group of little girls. The little boy was wearing a small suit and a bow tie, but with his small face, he could tell that he would be a very handsome guy in the future.

William is the eldest son of Benedict, who is currently in the second grade of elementary school and is the eldest of the grandchildren of the Simmons.

At this time, following his father's instructions, he sat beside Sofia and watched the 'child'. As his father's instructions, he sat beside Sofia and watched the 'child'.

His small face is full of cold expressions, a bit cool, which is quite similar to his father.

Sofia is cutting the cake surrounded by many children, she has never had so many friends before.

At this time, the voice sounded in her ear again: "Hey, Little Sofie, did you miss Master?"

Sofia pursed her lips and remained silent.

Master is a big bad person, and he said he would come to see her soon, but he didn't show up for a long time.

Mom used to say she was just going to sleep for a while, but she never woke up again...

Sofia kept silent, cut a piece of cake, and handed it to William: "Brother, eat the cake."

William turned his face away and said, "I don't eat it." .”

He pursed his lips, feeling very reluctant in his heart.

Because of Lily, he has always been very repulsed by the term 'sister'.

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