Chapter 1

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~3rd Persons P.O.V ~
The room was filled with tension and laughter. "FUCK YOU!" Minho exclaimed, rising from the sofa, his clothes soaked from the prank that Han and Felix had just pulled. Han, unable to contain his amusement, responded with a loud laugh, "I would fuck me too." He was well aware of Minho's anger issues but couldn't resist the urge to provoke him.

In the midst of the chaos, Hyunjin found himself lost in admiration for Felix. His dark brown doe eyes, his Fox-like face, and his plump lips were all elements of perfection in Hyunjin's eyes. However, Minho's outburst snapped him back to reality. "I hate you guys, leave me alone!" Minho yelled, storming out of the living room and into his bedroom to probably take a shower.

Now alone in the living room with Han, Hyunjin was consumed by a whirlwind of emotions. He longed to pin Felix against the wall and kiss him, but he held back. Uncertain of Felix's feelings towards him or even his sexual orientation, Hyunjin didn't want to force anything on Felix. Instead, he pushed those thoughts aside and focused on the current situation.

From Minho's perspective, he was furious at Han and Felix for their prank. But despite his anger, he couldn't deny the soft spot he had for them. He unlocked his bedroom door and confronted them. "I forgive you but I'm still angry at you guys," he said. His words took Han and Felix by surprise, but they apologized nonetheless. Hyunjin is just an innocent kid rn

To lighten the mood, Felix suggested they play Fortnite. "HELL YEAH," Han,Hyunjin and Minho responded in unison. As they played into the evening, their camaraderie was interrupted by a sudden phone call for Han from his father.

Han's father rarely called him, so this call left him feeling tense. "Yes father," Han answered. "Han, I want you home neatly dressed in 30 minutes," his father commanded before hanging up. Han relayed the news to Minho and Hyunjin who were equally surprised. "What happened dude?" Minho asked. "My father wants me home in 30 minutes," Han replied, asking Minho to drop him. Minho just told Felix and Hyunjin to go back to their bungalow since he doesn't trust them with his house and also because their neighbours.

After they entered the car And Minho started driving, Minho tried to lighten the mood by pretending to be a secret agent. "Very serious or VERY VERY SERIOUS?" he asked. "VERY VERY SERIOUS," Han replied. They both laughed at their shared joke.

Upon reaching his house, Han thanked minho for dropping him and told him to go back. As he entered the living room, he was greeted by three unfamiliar faces: a girl around his age and two older adults who were presumably her parents. His father introduced her as Park Ji-won, the daughter of Baek-hyun, the CEO of Dicore.

He was already terrified of his father, whom he had a strained relationship with. He barely spoke to his mother either, he knew that was because of his father. His mom loved him yet she was not allowed to show affection to han because of his father. Han greeted Baek-hyun with a polite hello and a bow, but all he got in return was a cold hello sir. His father wasted no time and said, "Now that you're here, let's get to the point. Son, meet Park Ji-won, the daughter of Baek-hyun, the CEO of Dicore. You must know them." Han nodded weakly. He knew Dicore was a powerful company that his father wanted to partner with. "So, me and Baek-hyun have arranged you and Park Ji-won in a marriage." Han felt his blood run cold. He couldn't believe what he just heard. He opened his mouth to protest, but his father cut him off. "And you don't have a choice." Han felt a surge of anger and frustration. He grabbed his stuff and stormed out of the room, ignoring his father's shouts. He ran to his room, tears streaming down his face. He felt trapped and helpless in his own home. He couldn't live like this anymore. He had to escape.

He called Minho, his best friend who he trusted more than anyone, and begged him to pick him up. Minho realised something was wrong and agreed without asking questions. Han told him to meet him at the back door. He quickly packed his bag with some essentials and a few things that mattered to him, one being a stuffed toy. He didn't care about leaving behind his luxurious life or his family's reputation. He just wanted to be free and happy. He sneaked out of the back door, avoiding the maids who might report him to his father. He felt his heart pounding as he ran towards Minho's car. He hoped no one would notice him or stop him.

Outside, he saw Minho waiting for him with a worried look on his face. Han got in the car and hugged him tightly. He was still crying, but he also felt a sense of relief and joy. He had never felt this way before. He felt like he was finally taking control of his own life and destiny. He thanked Minho for being there for him and told him everything that happened. Minho listened sympathetically and assured him that he would always support him no matter what. Han smiled gratefully and felt a warm glow in his chest. He knew he had a true friend in Minho.

Meanwhile, in the living room, they were laughing happily about where the wedding should be held. They discussed the guest list, the venue, the menu, and the decorations. They acted as if nothing had happened and as if Han's feelings didn't matter at all. Even Park Ji-won seemed to enjoy the conversation. She was happy to marry into a rich and influential family like Han's. She didn't care about Han as a person or how he felt about her. She only cared about her own benefits and status.

Outside, he saw Minho waiting for him with a worried look on his face. Han decided to hurry up and get in the car. As soon as he saw Minho in the driver's seat, he felt a surge of panic. He knew he was safe now, but his body was still reacting to the danger he had escaped. He started having a panic attack, with symptoms such as chest pain, shortness of breath, trembling, sweating, nausea, and dizziness. He felt like he was going to die or lose control. He clutched his chest and gasped for air. He broke down crying outside itself.

Han got in the car and hugged him tightly. He was still crying, but he also felt a sense of relief and joy. He had never felt this way before. He felt like he was finally taking control of his own life and destiny, yet he was still having his panic attak.

Minho was so goddamn confused. He had no idea what was going on with Han. He had just picked him up from his house after receiving a frantic call from him, asking him to come as soon as possible. He didn't expect to see him in such a state. He saw Han's pale face, tearful eyes, and shaking body. He heard his ragged breathing and sobbing. He froze in his spot, unsure of what to do or say.

Then Minho snapped back to reality. He realized that Han needed his help. He started comforting him, speaking in a calm and soothing voice. He told him that he was not alone, that he was there for him, that he cared about him. He told him that he was going to be alright, even if he didn't know what was happening. He told him to breathe slowly and deeply, to focus on his voice and his touch. He reached out and held his hand, stroking it gently. He wrapped his arm around his shoulder, pulling him close.

Han gradually calmed down, feeling Minho's warmth and presence. He felt a wave of gratitude and relief wash over him. He explained to Minho how he was forced into a marriage with Park Jiwon, a woman he didn't know or love. He told him how he had refused to go along with his parents' plan, how they had threatened and pressured him, how he had decided to run away from home. Han was the type of person who believed in love, true love. And when he met his true love, that's who he wanted to marry, not some random stranger. He poured out his feelings of anger, sadness, fear, and hope.

He thanked Minho for being there for him and told him everything that happened. Minho listened sympathetically and assured him that he would always support him no matter what. Han smiled gratefully and felt a warm glow in his chest. He knew he had a true friend in Minho. Minho listened to Han's story with sympathy and shock. He couldn't believe what Han had gone through. He felt sorry for him and angry at his parents. He admired his courage and determination. He also felt something else, something he couldn't name or understand

After that was settled, Han and Minho both relaxed a bit. They wiped their tears and smiled at each other. They felt a bond of friendship and trust between them. Minho came back to his senses and asked Han some practical questions. "Wait, where are you going to live? Did you bring any money?" Han replied to the first question sheepishly. "Y-yeah... I didn't quite think that through..." He replied~ to the second question confidently. "Duh, I have money! I have two bundles of 10k dollars each!" He showed Minho the cash he had stashed in his backpack.

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