Chapter 2

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Honestly, I should have expected this fromyou," Minho said with a sigh. He looked at the pile of cash in Han's bagpackwith disbelief. "You know I have rich parents and all, but how do you just have20k in your bedroom just chilling there?" he asked ridiculously. Han shruggedsheepishly. "I don't know, man. I just like to have some extra money around,you know? I also have my dad's credit card which he gave me but im expectingthis to cut it off" Minho rolled his eyes. "Yeah, sure. And I suppose you alsolike to have some extra trouble around too? Like the gangsters who are afteryou for stealing their drugs?" Han winced. "Hey, that was a one-time thing. Ididn't know they were theirs." Minho shook his head. "You're such an idiot, Han.You always get yourself into these messes and then expect me to bail you out." Hangave him a pleading look. "But you're my best friend, Minho. You always have myback, right?" Minho sighed again. He knew he couldn't say no to Han's puppyeyes. "Fine, fine. You can stay at my house for the time being. But only untilyou sort this out, okay? And don't bring any of your shady stuff with you." Hangrinned and hugged him. "Thank you, thank you, thank you! You're the best,Minho!" Minho pushed him away gently. "Yeah, yeah, yeah. Just don't make meregret this, okay. "YAYAYYAYAYAYA YOURDA BESTTT" Han said.

Minho had seen a side of Han that no one else had witnessed. This side of him was more dramatic, more chaotic, and more excited than ever. He would always say "YAYAYAY" with them in a high-piched voice. "Now let's start driving, shall we?" Minho said. "AND HOW THE HELL DID YOU PACK THREE SUITCASES IN 15 MINUTES AND SNEAK OUT WITH THEM WITHOUT GETTING CAUGHT, HUH?" Han replied with a mischievous grin. "It's a magic trick performed by this great hooman being. And for my next performance, you will have to pay.

Minho started the car and drove away. The silence inside was awkward. Han wanted to break it, so he asked Minho to turn on some music. Minho smiled and reached for the radio. He knew what to play. They had a joint Spotify playlist with their favorite songs. They loved listening to it when they were together. It never got old. Han opened the window and felt the breeze on his face. He looked out and tried to process everything that had happened in the last 25 minutes. When minho started playing the music he heard it and realised It was their playlist. He chuckled softly and smiled. Minho always made him happy. The rest of the car ride was like that: quiet but comfortable. They didn't need to say anything. They just enjoyed each other's presence.

After about 15 minutes, they finally reached Minho's house. Han was the first to get out of the car. Minho threw his house keys at Han and said "Catch!" Han caught them and then Minho started teasing him like a dog owner. He said "Aww, such a good doggie! You caught it! Who's a good boy? Who's a good boy?" He ruffled Han's hair playfully. "Ugh, hey, you!" Han said, trying to shake him off. He hated but also liked it when Minho treated him like a pet. Minho just laughed and said "Go open the door. I'll bring your suitcases." He grabbed two of the suitcases from the back seat and walked towards the bungalow. Minho muttered under his breath "You're lucky Your have me as your bestfriends, you jerk."

Han opened the door and Minho followed after him, placing the suitcases on the floor to go get the third one. After he brought the third and the last suitcase, he told Han to unpack tomorrow since they both were extremely tired after this emotional roller coaster they mostly Han went through. He then went to his room quickly and got a shirt and a pair of shorts and gave them to Han, telling him to wear them for tonight. He then said "Yeah... okay... I'm very tired, so good night. I'm gonna have to sleep." Han replied with a simple "Night" and they went to their rooms.

Han woke up at 8:30 am. It was Sunday and he felt a bit refreshed after a long sleep. He checked his phone and saw no messages from his parents. He wondered if they had given up on looking for him or if they were planning something worse or if they had even noticed he was gone. He shook his head and tried not to think about it.

He got up from the bed where he had slept and walked to Minho's room. He knocked softly on the door but there was no answer. He opened it slightly and peeked inside. Minho was still sleeping soundly on his bed, snoring lightly. Han smiled and decided not to disturb him.

He closed the door quietly and went to the kitchen. He felt hungry and decided to make breakfast for both of them as a way of thanking Minho for letting him stay at his place. He looked around the kitchen and saw some ingredients that he could use. He decided to make a traditional Korean breakfast of rice, soup, kimchi, eggs, and seaweed. He had learned how to make it from his mother who was from Seoul. He thought Minho would like it too. He tried extra hard to make it taste better for Minho, he didn't know why tho his heart just told him too.

He cooked some rice in a rice cooker and heated some soup in a pot. He took out some kimchi from the fridge and cut it into bite-sized pieces. He fried some eggs in a pan and sprinkled some salt and pepper on them. He also toasted some seaweed in another pan until it was crispy.

He arranged the rice, soup, kimchi, eggs, and seaweed on a large tray and added some spoons and chopsticks. He also poured some water into two glasses and placed them on the tray. He then kept the tray on the dining table. By the time he was done, it was already 10:00 am. He decided to wake Minho up in a mischievous way, like how best friends would. He grabbed a glass of cold water and walked to Minho's room. He opened the door quietly and saw Minho still sleeping peacefully on his bed. He tiptoed to his side and whispered in his ear "Hey, Minho. Wake up." Minho stirred slightly but didn't open his eyes. He mumbled "Five more minutes." Han smiled wickedly and said "Okay, five more minutes." He counted down from five to one in his head and then splashed the water on Minho's face. Minho woke up with a start and gasped. He felt the water dripping from his hair and face. He looked at Han with a mix of shock and anger. He shouted "Han! What the hell?!" Han laughed and said "Good morning, sunshine! I made breakfast for you!"

Minho was about to yell at him again, but then he smelled something delicious from the kitchen. He looked at the tray that Han was holding and saw rice, soup, kimchi, eggs, and seaweed. His stomach growled involuntarily. Han smiled and said "See? I knew you would like it. Come on, let's eat." Minho hesitated for a moment, but then his hunger got the better of him. He said "Fine, fine. But this doesn't mean I forgive you for waking me up like that." Han shrugged and said "Whatever you say, grumpy pants."

They walked to the kitchen table and sat down. Minho took a spoonful of rice and soup and put it in his mouth. He was surprised by how good it tasted. He said "Wow, this is actually really good. Where did you learn how to cook like this?" Han blushed slightly and said "From my mom. She taught me how to make traditional Korean food when I was little." Minho nodded and said "That's cool. My mom never taught me anything about cooking. She always said I would burn down the house if I tried." Han chuckled and said "Well, maybe I can teach you someday." Minho smiled and said "Maybe you can."

They ate their food together, making small talk and jokes. They felt more relaxed and comfortable with each other after their stressful night. Before they sat down to eat, they turned on Netflix and played Brooklyn Nine-Nine, one of their favorite shows. They put it on low volume so they could still hear each other. After they were done eating, they cleared the table and washed the dishes. They decided to take a bath to freshen up. Minho went first while Han waited in his room. He just lay down on his bed. He felt sleepy again after his full meal. He closed his eyes and thought about what he was gonna do with is life now he ranway from home. He has to probably find a job now. He heard Minho coming out of the bathroom and calling his name. He opened his eyes and saw Minho standing at his door with a towel wrapped around his waist. He said "Hey, Han. It's your turn to take a bath." Seeing his best friend now possibly crushes abs he got this pit feeling in his chest and got butterflies in his stomach midst this He just said "Yeah Okay."

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