❥ •unfair•

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ʚ  My name is Y/n, Y/n L/n -
Life is,and always has been unfair       for me
                ~~~~~~~                  ~~~~~~~
I can't just say that and run away without explaining, now can I? Let's just start by telling you a lovely fairytale! The situation I'm in now is kind of obscene and graphic - but for the sake of this wonderful story we'll call it a fairytale.

I live in a random tree which I don't know the name of, it lies in the middle of nowhere. I used to live in a shrine for about a year until I ran away, the people living in there found out I'm a yokai, so now I'm here!

What's that? You want to hear about what happened BEFORE that now? You mean my backstory? No problem.

I actually originate from a fairly wealthy family with a good reputation. I'm half yokai and half human by the way, just so you know.

       totally not flexing.

My mom was a human and my dad was a yokai, specifically an arctic fox. our family was very known and loved in our village. We were envied. By a lot. They would admire how well put together we were. Our names were uttered and stories were told in every corner where people resided. Wherever and whenever you went, there would not be a single wasted moment, where we weren't spoken of. Because we're just soo cool!

Here's the catch you were waiting for, we weren't actually as perfect as we seemed to be. Now, if I had to speak of all the evil deeds they had done, I would be writing a novel. 

To start off lightly, my parents never really paid attention to me - they DID interact with me sometimes, yes, but they should've done it a little more, you know? All of the attention was on my older brother because he was older and more successful.

I have to say, me and him never really got along together, never clicked, infact, I hated him. Wanna know why?

He wasn't actually as nice as he seemed either! he was a JERK, a p s y c h o p a t h, literally every other derogatory word in the dictionary. I was a bit neglected ( by -- cough cough, EVERYONE) but nothing all that serious.

Until that ALL took a wonderful turn for the worse when I turned 12 years old, I think.

Firstly, my mom mysteriously died from a yokai attack (which to THIS day, I believe could've been my dad's doing) and my father ran away, probably killing himself in the process.

Nobody knows if he's still alive.

Can I be honest for a minute? I didn't really care that my parents died. Sure I was a bit disappointed and I shed a few tears, but as time went on, I realized that nothing really changed at all. Only that I was titled as an orphan. Nice.

I didn't MISS them, but things sure we're a bit easier when they we're still here. Only me and my brother were the ones remaining now. and oh boy, things only took an even d a r k e r turn from there.

It was a cloudy and somewhat warm spring evening, I distinctly remember the sharp smell of sweet cherry blossoms and orchards which were just starting to bloom in our spacious backyard, and they were everywhere.

I remember collecting some herbs, vegetables and all sorts of stuff that day to make dinner for us two. When I stepped foot inside my house I sat down the heavy baskets to go and ask my brother for some help,

I don't exactly remember what I needed help with. Maybe I needed to get something from a shelf with a high placement and I couldn't reach for it? I don't know. Who knows if not me?

No other witnesses.

As soon as I walked up to the sliding door leading to his room and was about to open it, I felt a strange aura around it, and I smelt blood.  What I was about to witness next made me sick to my stomach. brutal.

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